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How Taweez Works? Reality of All Taweez Books

How Taweez For Love and Other Purposes Work? Should We Read Taweez Books
Every one of us love short cuts in life and many people run after tawiz. Some of them get very good results from them and some fail to get their goals. They try some other short cuts. Majority of people are in search of taweez for love. They spend huge money to get taweez for love. I have spend 15 years with a true spiritual leader and witnessed many strange incidents. Taweez books are the best sellers in the market. Today we shall discuss that what is the reality of taveez.


Tawiz works on the principle of faith. Spiritual leaders of all religions give taveez to resolve the problems of people. Their tawiz works only on those persons, who believe on them. Believe me its just a game of faith. If you do not believe on it then there is no chance of any success even having a taveez. Friends whenever you have firm belief in your success no one can become hurdle in your success. Taveez provides you a confidence that a supernatural power is behind you and due to this confidence you perform well. Taveez have just psychological effects. If you are impressed with your spiritual leader then his taveez will works for you, but if you have doubt in your mind about the power of taveez or your spiritual leader then you will get no result.


Taweez in islam

There is no concept of taweez in Islam. Being a Muslim we should have firm belief in Almighty Allah. Your belief in Almighty Allah can brings miracles in your life. Taviz is a short cut only for common people. Taweez books are not written for educated people. They know that taviz are use just to boost the confidence of people. Basically spiritual leaders of all religions are good psychologists and they know how to power of faith. They use their knowledge to solve the problem of people.

How Taweez Works? Reality of All Taweez Books


taweez for love


Now the question arises that when there is now concept of taweez in Islam then how we can make our faith strong on Almighty Allah. Just say your prayers regularly and try to recite the Holy Quran daily. Try to understand the each and every word of Holy Quran as it will increase your faith in Almighty Allah. When you will be able to understand the meaning of Quran, then you will not need even any kind of psychological help from any source. Holy Quran will tell you the solution of your all problems. It will change your approach towards life and its problems. You will be even able to guide people about the solutions of their problems in the light of true teaching of Islam. We may call the Holy Quran as best taweez book but taviz of Holy Quran is not for wearing, its for changing the life.  Being an educated person it is your duty to guide people about the reality of tavez. Read our articles on Islam and spiritualism daily.