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How To Avoid Paralysis? Top 10 Health Tips in Urdu & English

How To Avoid Paralysis? Top Ten Health Tips in English and Urdu LanguagesĀ 
Paralysis is one of the worst human diseases. May God save us all from this dangerous disease. Now even youngsters are making victim of it. Here are top 10 health tips which can help you in avoiding paralysis.

Top Ten Health Tips For Avoiding Paralysis

1-Decrease your daily use of salt. A person should take maximum half spoon of salt daily. It excessive use may cause high blood pressure which is the primary cause of paralysis.

2-Eat one apple daily at least. People who take more than 171 grams of white fruits and vegetables daily can decrease the danger the danger of of paralysis by 52 percent. Pear, apple, banana, onion and cauliflower have anti oxidants which may fight against paralysis.

3-Tomatoes also have special anti oxidant namely lycopene which give tomatoes red color. It can decrease the danger of paralysis by 55 percent. So eat tomatoes.

4-Take 30 minutes of exercise daily, it will keep your weight and fat in blood normal. You may also take the help of Yoga exercises in this regard.

5-Blood clots causes the paralysis and chocolate stops the making of blood clots so eat it too.

6-Depression is the cause of 90% diseases including paralysis so take thing easy and avoid depression. Just remember that where there is a problem there is the solution. Depression is the part of problem not the part the solution.

7-Allopathic medicines have their own side effects. Avoid using brofin, pain killers for arthritis and family planning pills. These medicines may cause paralysis.

8-Keep your gums and teeth healthy. Germs of diseases gums may increase the number of bacterias in the blood which may attack on heart vessels for affecting the blood flow.

9-Avoid smoking and chewing tobacco as these two habits may increase the danger of paralysis from 2 to 4 times.

10-Your blood pressure should be normal. Both high blood pressure and low blood pressure are harmful for you. There are 55 to 79% more chances of paralysis for patients of high and low blood pressure.

Kali Phos 6x, Causticum 30 are two homeopathic medicines which can help you in avoiding paralysis. Use these medicines after the consultation with any authentic homeopathic physician.

Same top 10 health tips have been given in Urdu language below this post. Read and follow them too and keep visiting your own website for reading more health care articles. Wish you best of health.

How To Avoid Paralysis? Top 10 Health Tips in Urdu & English

How To Avoid Paralysis? Top 10 Tips in Urdu & English