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How to Become Successful in Life By Learning the Difference Between IQ & EQ

Become A Super Human By Learning The Difference Between IQ Level and EQ Level 
Its a general perception that IQ level plays a vital role in the success of any person but recent research has proved that it was a wrong perception and EQ level is much important than IQ level. By good IQ level a person can get through in any exam that’s why it is considered very important. But have you not noticed that toppers usually fails in practical life. Can you describe that why it happens. When i first read about this new research i did not believe it but pondering on this new theory make me believe it. Its a quite practical. IQ stands for intellectual Quantum (intelligence quotient), while EQ stands for Emotional Quantum. You may also call it emotional intelligence.

How to Become Successful in Life By Learning the Difference Between IQ & EQ


Secret of Success in Life 

Intellectual intelligence or IQ is good for normal situations only but life is not a name of a set routine and we have to face many crises, challenges and emergencies. These are the turning points in our life and only those people excel in life who face such critical situations in best manner. EQ is very much related to such situation. I can explain it in few words i.e situation handling ability. Holders of strong EQ level never get puzzled or confused in pressure situations. They remain calm in such circumstances and can handle the any difficult situation easily.

So may dear brother and sisters learn the difference between IQ and EQ and improve your EQ level too if you really want to succeed in life. Emotional Quantum also includes self confidence, fearless mind, strong decision power and doing some thing difficult with a relax and peaceful mind. People who do not have these qualities can not become successful in life in spite of their intellectual intelligence. We can improve our Emotional Quantum level too by continuous practice, yes, there are some exercises through which we can improve it.


How to Become Successful in Life By Learning the Difference Between IQ & EQ

How to Become Successful in Life By Learning the Difference Between IQ & EQ

A recent research by Harvard university USA has proved that in our financial success there is 15 % role of IQ and 85 % role of EQ. Have you ever witnessed that many intelligent students fail in interviews after taking good marks in written tests. In fact these persons have low Emotional Quantum level. Right decision at right time can take only such people who have higher EQ level. Mental and emotional stability are both important.

How to Become Successful in Life By Learning the Difference Between IQ & EQ


Firm faith on Almighty Allah plays an important role in improving your Emotional Quantum. So first step is improve your faith on Almighty Allah. It will provides you a mental stiffness. Holy Quran is the best source for this purpose. On my personal request Non Muslims should read this greatest book once in their life at least with open mind. Next step is to program you mind that you can handle any extreme situation. Self suggestion is the best way to do this. Yoga is another solution but Muslim prayer is much better than yoga. Just try it once and feel the difference between a divine way of prayer and man made prayer method. Yoga has now become just an exercise but Muslim prayer is a multidimensional in nature. Last but not least remember my one advice that where there is a problem, there is a solution and you just need to ponder upon it. Almighty Allah has not created any problem without solution. So never forget this advice of mine and face every situation with a winners mindset.  Stay in touch with us and get free psychological advice from our team of experts. Read our article how to become rich too for further guidance.




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