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How to Check CNIC Number With Mobile Number? Step By Step Guide

How to Find CNIC Through Mobile Number?
Do you wish to know what your CNIC registered number is? Are you looking forward for a way in which you can learn about your CNIC number through your mobile phone? If yes, then you don’t need to look around here and there because we are right here to give you a complete guidance about it. Right here we will help you to learn about “how to check CNIC number with mobile number“.



How To

How to Check CNIC Number With Mobile Number? Step By Step Guide

Even though if you are casting your vote in elections or even issuing a new SIM you would require to make the use of CNIC card to be legally part of it. You cannot get a SIM registered on your name until and unless you are not having a CNIC. The whole process of CNIC is performed by NADRA system.



Now without wasting any time let’s move to the main topic and make yourself know about some of the basic steps which you need to follow to learn about your CNIC number through your mobile phone! When you are checking your own CNIC through your mobile phone make sure your CNIC is valid. Expired CNIC will not work for you.


Method to Check CNIC Number With Mobile Number
In order to learn about your own CNIC number through your mobile phone, you have to follow the below mentioned steps one by one:

Open the messaging app on cell phone.

Now you have to just send a blank SMS or message on the number 667.

As you have sent the message, you can receive a message which will give you all the major details about your sim mobile number.

You will be finding your registered CNIC at that place as well which assures that you are legally registered.

If the blank messages appear with the error and do not work for you, then you can sent another message on 667.


Hence this is probably the easy and simple method with the help of which you can learn about your CNIC number through your mobile phone. All the users of Ufone can make the use of USSD code in order to search for the details of mobile number. You have to dial *336#, press 1. Hence you will be receiving all the details related to your own registered number. All the customers of Telenor can send blank messages at the number 7751 as if in case they wish to learn about your CNIC number through your mobile phone.



You can make the use of any of such methods in order to learn about your own CNIC number through your mobile phone. We have presented the simple guidelines for both Ufone and Telenor customers in which they can easily learn about your CNIC number on just one single SMS. There is no such hard and fast rule which you have to follow and on just one single click you can acquire all the important details. So if you want to know that how to check CNIC number with mobile number then without wasting any time follow the step by step guideline now!