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How to Clear ISSB Final Interview? Super Tips

How to Pass ISSB Test Final Interview in First Attempt? Golden Tips
If you have been heading your way to the final interview session of this ISSB, then it is important that you should make your mind clear with the certain tips related to this. ISSB examination is no doubt one of the trickiest exams to pass and hence it do require lot of preparation at the mental and emotional level. Keeping this fact in mind, here we have bring about with some of the important guidelines for you to learn that how to clear ISSB final interview: Let’s check out the tips!
Final interview is basically taken as one of the most important stages for any applicant who is making his way to this ISSB department sector. This interview session score is all interlinked with your written test score. Through this test, interview team know about your personality traits and behaviour and they judge whether you are correct candidate to be the part of this ISSB department or not.

ISSB Test For Army

How to Clear ISSB Final Interview? Super Tips

Stay Calm During Your ISSB Final Interview
As you step into the stage of your final interview session of ISSB, you need to make sure that you are calm, composed and much compassionate in your behaviour. You should be staying polite all the time in order to add up your personality with the most impressive flavors. You should have a smile on your face to show that you are completely stress free. You should greet each single person in the interview panel individually and separately. Do not try to be show off an also shy and even over confident.

Important Questions That Shall be Asked in ISSB Final Interview
Since the last few years, there is a constant series of common and basic questions that are repeatedly coming over in all of the ISSB final interview sessions. Some of the common and noticeable list of questions are written below:
1-You would be asked questions about your family background, your father job post and your ranking in the siblings.
2-You should also be put into the question about yourself, your age, details about your educational background and your current working mode and also questions related with your hobbies.
3-Thirdly, you will be given some questions to answer that are related with Islam. This is the moment where you show your best knowledge about Islam and impress the interview panel.
4-Lastly and most important of all, you need to even highlight the reasons about why you want to be the part of Army and your inside thoughts and feelings connected with the army.

Female Applicants Should Stay Confident During ISSB Interview
Most of the times, it do happen that at the time of interview session, most of the female applicants get shy and they are not much confident about answering the questions which are put forward by interview panel. Though they do show excellent performance in their examination of written test, but at the same time, they are not willing to give out the answers as impressively in front of the panel. This weakness of them makes these female applicants to get fail in this interview session.

Male Applicants Should not Show Rude Behaviour During ISSB Interview
On the contrary side, male applicants at time show much rude and disobedience at the time of their interview session. It is due to their over confidence nature that they opt this nature during interview session. It is because of this personality trait that they get kicked out by their ISSB interview panel.
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