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How To Clear The Job Interview After NTS & ETEA Written Test

How To Clear The Interview For Recruitment After NTS And ETEA Written Test
Now a days many departments are hiring the services of NTS for recruitment. NTS just takes the written test while the authorities of concern departments establish an interview board for taking the panel interview of written test qualified candidates. Here somebody remarked on our website that in this case the department can influence the interview board. He was fifty percent right as by hiring the services of NTS, government departments decrease the chances of corruption and nepotism 50 percent. Because now they have limited choice as they will have to select candidates from the list of successful candidates. But NTS is not publishing complete list of successful candidates. We recommend the authorities of  NTS that they should also publish  complete list of successful candidates on their website to minimize the chances of any corruption.

How To Clear Job Interview After NTS & ETEA Written Test

Now departments can influence on the interview board just for the successful candidates. The solution of this situation is to take the services of provincial public service commission or to establish a testing agency in Public sector like KPK has establish ETEA but even KPK government is not hiring the services of ETEA for recruitment in different provincial departments like KPK police department. This testing agency must not be under federal or provincial government as ETEA is under provincial government of KPK. This agency should also take interviews of the candidates and government departments should have no connection with this agency. But government should hire the services of this proposed public testing agency only for the recruitment in below 14 grade posts. As recruitment in above 14 grade posts should be the sole responsibility of public service commissions.

How To Clear Job Interview After NTS & ETEA Written TestHow To Clear The Job Interview After NTS & ETEA Written Test

Now we come to our main topic i.e how to clear job interview after NTS & ETEA written test. First you must have sufficient knowledge about the operation and history of the concern department for which you are appearing in the interview. Secondly, after the written test you must continue your preparation. Interviewer can ask you any question about the General Knowledge, Current Affairs, General  Science, Urdu, Mathematics, English Grammar, Pakistan Affairs, History and Islamic Studies. Some time they will try to confuse you, so you must be alert and confident during the whole interview session. Don’t lose your concentration at all.

They can also ask any question about your degree and subject and their relation with the department and job. You must be ready to relate your qualification with the department and post, you have applied for. Now the question arises that which book is recommended for preparation of interview. There are many book are available in the market. You should buy a book of any reputed publisher for preparation of interview having lot of sample interviews. For general preparation, we always recommend one book i.e Who is Who and What is What. But remember that general knowledge is a vast subject so you must read as much books as you can.

Fifteen Super Tips About How to Clear Job Interview After NTS & ETEA Written Test

Now we shall share fifteen super tips about How to clear job interview after NTS & ETEA written test.
1-Try to reply the questions in English.
2-Your appearance should be good.
3-Donot reply in Yes or No, your answers should be precise and comprehensive.
4-First listen the complete question then reply.
5-Never try to be over smart or over confident.
6-Highligh your strengths and achievements during different answers in a natural way.
7-You must look fresh and confident o try to hide your inner stress.
8-Never interrupt the interviewer at all or don’t try to prove him wrong.
9-Use your information about the department and nature of job during different answers.
10-Your first impression must be long lasting and impressive.
11-Arrange demo interview session with your friends.
12-Donot forget to revise the questions of written test as some time questions from written test are also asked in interviews. Use Answer key published by NTS for getting the right answers of each question.
13-You should also try to get information about different laws related to department and must use this knowledge during the interview.
14-Donot lose eye to eye contact with the interviewer and avoid shyness.
15.In case of any wrong answer, remain calm and if you don’t know the answer of any question simply say sorry.
You must also read our article “Interview tips” and “How to clear different NTS recruitment tests” . Stay in touch with us and our facebook page for guidance related to your career.

37 thoughts on “How To Clear The Job Interview After NTS & ETEA Written Test”

  1. thaks alot dear sir but I have a question in my mind. As you said that we should spesk english and in another tip you said that we should’nt be over smart so tell me simply how can we impress the enterwevir????

    • You have good chance 90 are very good marks. But prepare yourself for interview now. Read our article about How to clear interview after NTS written test which is at home page now. KPK police department will send you call letter and only they can reply your second question.

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