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Supply in any subject means that you did not work hard in that subject. Many students lose hope after supply in exam, which is a wrong approach, as we should learn from our mistakes and every person has to face failures in life and no one is absolute winner in this world. So if you get supply in any exam then analyze your weaknesses and make workable short term and long term plan to remove your academic weaknesses.

Nature wants to teach us lessons through failures and we should try to understand the hidden messages of nature. Failure helps us to identify our mistakes, so don’t be dejected. No one is inferior to any body in this world. The difference is of level of struggle and hard work between the loser and winner. Now its time for you to identify your mistakes. But remember no one is given unlimited chances in life. You must learn from your first mistake.


Time waits for no body and we have to follow the speed of the time otherwise we will left behind. Some students decide to clear the supply in the next year annual exam which is again a wrong approach. If you feel that you have more than on supplies and it would be difficult for you to clear the supplies in the supplementary exams then still you should appear in the supplementary exams as it will build your momentum and there are chances that you will clear the supplies too. Now we shall share some tips with you about how to clear the  supply.

1-Every one knows that how he has perform in the exams, so after annual exams, if you think that your performance was poor in any paper then you should not wait for result and try to remove your weaknesses in that particular subject.

2-After the supply submit your admission form immediately so that you may get enough time for preparation.

3-Make a proper time table, divide the questions on the remaining days and decide how many questions you should prepare daily. But you should leave at least 6 to 7 days before the exam for revision. Follow the time table strictly.

4-Students are given just about 40 days for preparation of supplementary exams, so don’t wait for date sheet and start your preparation immediately after the result.

5-Slow learners should follow the SQ3R method or they should write the each question twice. Both methods are time tested.

6- Make the list of important questions with the help of past papers and prepare these questions first. We have written two articles on these topics do read the following articles for further guidance.
How to Utilize Past Papers

How to Make Your Own Guess Papers

If you don’t have enough time then you may consult to your teacher or may buy guess papers from market. But you must prepare the important and most repeated questions first.

7-In spite of memorizing every question try to understand the main theme and concepts of questions and write the answers in your own words.

8-Do not think even for a moment that you can not clear the supply in such a short time period. Every human being has been gifted with marvelous mind power, we just need to stream line it.

9- Recall your mistake in the annual exams and try to correct them first.

10-Revise the difficult questions maximum time.

11- Science students should not waste their time on practicals till the written paper. As you will get enough time for preparation of practical after the written exam.

12-Donot waste your time till the result of supplementary exam and get admission in next class immediately after the supplementary.

Feel free to ask any questions regarding your supplementary exams preparation strategy to our academic team. Stay in touch with your own fastest growing educational website and its face book page, if you want to learn something new daily.


4 thoughts on “HOW TO CLEAR THE SUPPLY”

  1. Sir supplementry exam mai mere 17 days hain math k and phys k 24 days samajh ni ara kaise preparation karun abi tk kuch nhi kiya tha aj se strt krni hai plz help krdain plz

    • In these limited days your focus should be on past papers. Try try attempt as much past papers as you can. Read our article best strategy for selected studies and how to make your own guess papers for further guidance.

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