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How to Clear The University Entry Test

Best Strategy For Preparation of Any University Entry/Admission Test

Now government universities are not accepting NTS tests and they are taking their own internal entry tests for granting admissions in undergraduate and master level programs. Many of our readers are asking about the pattern and best strategy for preparation of university entry test. In this article we shall discuss that how to clear the university entry test. Pattern of entry tests of different universities differ from each other. But there are some common elements in every university entry test, which we shall discuss in this article.

Sample Papers
First you should get sample of entry test paper from the official website of university for having the better idea about the entry test format and pattern of that particular university.Some universities include questions about the subject too in which you want to get admission. So first thing is that your basic concepts main themes and key questions of that specific subjects should be clear. You should revise the syllabus of that particular subject, which you have studied in the graduation level.

How to Clear The University Entry Test

How to Clear The University Entry Test

Majority of universities follows a set pattern, which includes short questions and MCQs about General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Mathematics, Every Day Science, Islamic Studies, English and Pakistan affairs. In Mathematics portion questions are asked about basic Algebra & Geometry, percentage, average, equation solving and general mathematics up to the matric level, in case of entry test of any non scientific master program. Practice is the key of success, specially in Mathematics portion, so try to practice as mush questions as you can from sample papers and from text books of class 6th to 10th. But in case of MSc Mathematics, Physics, chemistry or any related scientific program higher slandered questions may also be included in entry test.

In English sections questions are included about general English grammar and composition. If your grammar is good then you can attempt thee questions easily, otherwise try to improve your grammar and vocabulary with the help of English grammar books of intermediate and bachelor level.

Pakistan Studies, Every Day Science and Islamic studies
For Pakistan Studies, Every Day Science and Islamic studies same formula will apply. Very rare questions are included about Every Day Science in the entry test of non scientific master or bachelor programs.

Current Affairs & General Knowledge
Current affairs and general knowledge are vast subjects. Here we can suggest you to buy just one book from some authentic publishers named “Who is Who and What is What”. This book contains all the basic expected questions about General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Mathematics, Every Day Science, Islamic Studies, English and Pakistan affairs. Students don’t have too much time for preparation of entry test, so in a short period, only this book can help you in your preparation for entrance test. So don’t waste your time and money on buying irrelevant books. But remember that you must buy the latest edition of “Who is Who and What is What”. But you must also read the newspapers too.

Visit current affair and GK & PCS category of our website regularly. It would be better for you to start your preparation after final exams. In this case you will be able to get maximum marks. Very rare psychological or IQ testing questions may also be asked.

Interview Preparation
After the entry test universities may also take interview before granting the admission. So you continue your preparation after entry test too. You must appear in interview with full confidence as basically in interviews your confidence level, IQ level, aptitude, communication skill, general knowledge and knowledge about the subject in which you are seeking admission is judged. Strategy for preparation of interview is almost the same as the strategy of university entry test preparation.

Last but not least is the point that “Who is Who and What is What” is also the first book for preparation of CSS, PMS and PCS exams. So if you want to appear in any of the competitive exams then start your preparation from this book. Don’t hesitate to ask any question about university entry test preparation strategy. Stay in touch with your favorite site and its facebook page for having the solutions of your all studies related problems.

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