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How To Clear The Visa Interview? Some Super Tips & Tricks

Tips For Visa Interview For Pakistani People
For many countries it is mandatory for foreign visa seekers to appear in visa interview. After the submission of visa applications you are called for interview at embassy. Your genuineness is checked during the interview. Unfortunately due to misconduct of some people majority of visa officers do not have good impression about Pakistani visa seekers. It is believed by them that Pakistani people hide the real purpose of their foreign visit and present fake documents just for the sake of getting visa. It is also a sad reality that majority of people don not return to their home after expiry of visa and stay abroad with out work permit, immigration or  visa. Some of us apply for asylum,while other try to get permanent residence or green card using the wrong tactics. Students get admission in fake  college and instead of studying they work illegally against the law of the countries.  Paper marriage is also common in Pakistani people.  That’s why visa officers very critically analyze our documents and ask questions to verify the genuineness of visa seeker.  If they find any wrong documents or your answers do not satisfy them, your application will be rejected. It is the discretionary power of officer of embassy to reject any application. Although you may appeal against his decision but there is no immediate solution of rejection of application. So first of all prepare yourself to face the embassy officer with confidence. It is the test of your own abilities to satisfy him.

How To Clear The Visa Interview? Some Super Tips & Tricks

How To Clear The Visa Interview? Some Super Tips & Tricks

Tourist Visa

A tourist visa seeker must have proper knowledge about the important places of country, you want to visit. If you have visited some countries before, it will increase the chances for you.

Business Visa

For a business visa , you must have proof of your business contacts in the country you want to visit. Your business related documents must also be complete like tax returns, NTN #, proof of membership of stock exchange or chamber of commerce etc. A businessman have not experience a tough interview in case of good documentary evidences.

Tips For Student

Clearing a student visa interview is most difficult. If you have got admission in any reputed college or university, and your score in IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, GMAT or any other required test is good then you have good chances. Students who have gap in their studies,will have to satisfy the officer about its cause. There should be some relations in in our previous degree and the degree for which you are pursing.  If your required course is available in Pakistan then you may also be asked to explain that why you are going abroad. If you have good academic record and your guardian/sponsor is your close relative who have sufficient money to support you studies then you can get visa easily. Now a days due to advancement of technology it has become very easy to detect the fake educational documents and bank statement. So avoid such practices.

General Tips

Visa seekers of all categories have to provide the proof of their strong roots in their native country like kids birth certificate,marriage certificate, and property documents.  Its the most important factor which will decide your fate.

You may be asked some misguiding questions to guess about your real intentions, like; How you will respond a proposal from a beautiful lady? If you gets a job offer by a multinational company of our field, will you accept it. How you will like to spend a lottery money.     Reply such questions very carefully. If any of your answer will reflect that you have plan to settle in his country then try to find a job in Pakistan. Such questions are are prepared by professional psychologists, so you must remain in your full senses during the whole session.

Its a wrong perception that visa applications are rejected without any reason. Embassy officers are very trained and professional people, who have vast experience of judging the applications and people. They can easily decide with the help of their experience and expertise that which application or document is genuine. That why some people claim that their applications were rejected without asking any question. So remember that proper documentation, confidence and preparation are the key of success. One last thing if you have fear of failure then definitely you will fail to impress the visa officers. So appear in interview with a winner’s mentality. Visit your own website daily for reading super tips on different topics.