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How to Control Locust Attack? Top 10 Methods, Chemicals, Tips & Tricks (Urdu-English)

How to Control Locust Swarms Easily? Top Ten Methods, Tips & Guidelines in Urdu & English Languages
Currently, having locust is one of the most common problems in almost every single home. They are so harmful to your skin that some of the people even experience severe allergic reactions from their single sting after which they need to take special precautionary measures. They are form of bugs who love to bite a human hand. Now the main question is how you can say a fitting farewell to the locust from your home!  Well, it’s not a tricky task to perform until and unless you are aware of the techniques and strategies to follow upon. These days using conventional home pesticides can work brilliantly for the locusts control, but they are equally allergic for your kids or pet animal health. But there are so many pesticide products and chemicals available in the market that can bring positive results against the locusts control in your home.

1-During the night time you should burn away all the homes of locusts which is on the tree branches.

2-Figure out the places or the corners in the mud where locusts have laid down eggs and bury them deep in the mud.

3-During the sunset investigate the areas on the tree for the locusts home shells and spray them all with the harmful chemicals before the sunrise.

4-Keep your kids or the family members having breathing issues away from the harmful spray chemicals.



They mostly loves to reside in the tiny corners or the cervices of your home areas that becomes hard for you to control it. In the old times, one of the most common remedies that were used to control bed bug was the treatment of infested mattresses with the gasoline. This is so true! Sometimes even after spending such a handsome amount of money on the locusts control natural products, you won’t be able to achieve successful results. Later on, the just solution left behind in your favour is the locusts control company.



You can hire some professional agents because they have suitable skills and types of equipment along with chemicals that can help you to get rid of unnecessary locusts bugs from your home. These days using conventional home pesticides can work brilliantly for the locusts control. Professional control services perform their whole removal method through a complete scheduled process that starts with an inspection of the entire house. Consulting them solve half of your headache.



According to a recent report of 2011, 2.7% of homes which make around 40,000 households in Montreal are affected by the locusts bugs in their homes.  Therefore it is essential to learn why you need to eliminate it from your home right now.



Different Types of Chemicals for Locusts Control
Choloro-phosphorus 40 EC in the quantity of 20 millimeter
Lemda Helotherene 2.5 EC in the quantity of 3 millimeter
Carbrole 85WP
Melathenane in 57EC in the quantity of 6 millimeter
Delta Metherane 2.5 EC in the quantity of 3 millimeter

You may read the details about top 10 methods for controlling the locust attack including the list of chemicals needed in Urdu language too in the image given below.

How to Control Locust Attack? Top 10 Methods, Chemicals, Tips & Tricks (Urdu-English)


How to Control Locust Attack? Top 10 Methods, Chemicals, Tips & Tricks (Urdu-English)