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How to Convert Internship into a Job? 20 Tips in English & Urdu

Twenty Super Tips About How to Convert Your Internship into a Permanent Full Time Job
Every internee wants to convert its internship into a full time job. Today we shall guide you in detail that how you can change your current internship into a regular job. If you are still in search of internship then read our following article;

How To Find Your Dream internship?

If you have got an internship and want to convert it into a permanent full time job then read our following tips.

1-Try to give your hundred percent during your internship period.

2-Obey the orders of management and never argue with them on any task.

3-Be sincerer and honest with your job and company. There is hell of difference between true sincerity and cleverness. Senior management can easily recognize the sincere hard workers and clever guys due to their vast experience in the field. So never underestimate their the abilities of management.

4-Internship is a life changing experience, you must avail this opportunity with your hard work. Never say no to seniors for any task.

5-Never gossip against any permanent employee with your colleagues.

6-Accept all the tasks and get the help of your friends, seniors and teacher for completing it within the due time.

7-Present your creative ideas to management about the progress of company. Present your idea after complete home work.

8-After completing your project ask the management to assign you new task.

9-Remember one rule during your internship that boss is always right. You may discuss your ideas with your boss but can not disagree with him without having very strong argument.

10-Learn the difference between criticism and proposal. In-spite of criticizing the current policies of company you should juts present your idea.

11-Never use social media sites during your office timing and try to avoid meeting with friends or their calls from 9 to 5.

12-Try to be extrovert with your permanent colleagues and clients. No company like to hire introvert employees.

13-Give equal importance to all your colleagues and never say not to them for any extra task assign by them.

14-Try to think out of the box and prove with your work that you can be an asset for the company.

15-Always be ready to learn new things. Learn from the experiences of your seniors.

16-Continue to apply in new companies for permanent job during your internship period. If your focus will be on learning and delivering results then you will definitely succeed.

17-Try to learn the computer related work in your company. Get admission in related evening computer classes for polishing your skills.

18-Leave all your social activities during your internship period. Your focus should be on your work only. Remember that concentration is the key to success in every field of life.

19-Be a professional worker.Read books on management and your related job in your spare time.

20-Take interest in your job and avoid over confidence.

Last but not least visit your own website i.e and its facebook page for guidance about winning a job of your choice. We wish you best of luck for your permanent job search.

How to Convert Internship into a Job? 20 Tips in English & Urdu

How to Convert Internship into a Job? 20 Tips in English & Urdu