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How to Deliver a Killer Presentation or Speech

Learn The Art of Public Speaking
Every one want to become an effective public speaking expert but very few people know the secrets of this art. How a person can become a good speaker? There are many answers. Some people think that only confidence is enough for this purpose while some are of the view that using emotions plays a vital role in this regard. But the reality is entirely different there is no short cut for those people who are shy and do not have the natural talent of public speaking. They need full preparation and practice other than confidence humor, and use of emotions. Such people need to learn some related skills too. If you want to become a good speaker, teacher, presenter or trainer then read the tips given below carefully and act accordingly.By following the instructions given below you can certainly deliver an effective speech in front of a heavy crowd.


25 Super Tips About Delivering an Effective Presentation or Speech
1-Proper preparation and practice is the key of success in public speaking.

2-Keep your message simple and clear.

3-Try to develop healthy speaking habits by regular practice before the mirror.

4-Try to reduce your nervousness by positive self suggestions .

5-During the speech use institutional humor but it should be natural and related to your speech subject.

6-Listening and questioning skills are also very important for a good speaker so try to develop both these skills.

7-Your first 5 minutes are very important, try to make this part of your  presentation more impressive.

8-Logic and emotions both have equal importance so do not ignore any of them.

9-End should also be concise.

10-Your every point should have any relation with the topic.

11-Avoid using complex terminology.

12-Try to involve your audience in your presentation by asking some questions.

How to Deliver a Killer Presentation or Speech

How to Deliver a Killer Presentation or Speech

13–Give pauses during the presentation before starting any new point. It will give audience a chance to think about your previous explained point.

14-Emphasize on important word and phrases by speaking them in special tone.

15-You need to have confidence on yourself to convince others.

16-If you do not believe on what you are saying then keep this thing in mind that you can never impress the people. So always believe on your arguments from the core of your heart,

17-Monitor the attitude of people during the presentation closely and change your behavior accordingly.

18-Selection of words and phrases plays very important role in your speech or presentation.So always use appropriate words to complete the sentences.

19-Before explaining any important point try to get the attention of audiences.

20-Speak slowly and clearly so that audience may understand your points easily. It would also be helpful for those people who are making notes of your speech.

21-Remain on track otherwise people will lose understanding.

22-Do not lose your eye to eye contact with people.

23-Good body language also impress the people so concentrate on this point too.

24- Use cards instead of paper sheet for making your notes. Notes should have just key points not the whole presentation or speech,

25-Your presentation or speech should neither be too short or too long it must be precise and brief,
We are here to guide your further. Feel free to ask any question about any above given tips. Visit our website and its facebook page daily.


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