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How To Earn Money Through Script Writing? Tips in Urdu & English

How To Earn Money Through Screen Writing or Script Writing in Pakistan? Super Tips in Urdu & English
The profession of becoming a script writer, it is quite becoming popular. There are certain some special and basic tips if you want to work in this script writing field. Here you will get the information that how can you earn money by working in this field line. We will tell you the details, it is a creative profession and you can earn handsome amount of money if you will work creatively, passionately and with dedication in this field line.

Making a Title Page
So to start writing a script, first you have to make a title page, this title page carries and possesses a vital importance for your overall script. The title of your script has to be catchy and attractive, add all the details and follow the correct format and pattern of this script title page of yours. The title page of the script of a play is different as compared to the title page of a drama series script.

Choosing The Correct Font And Line Spacing Option
Then to write a script, you have to choose and select the correct font which is readable for the audience, you have to opt the correct line spacing option. These important rules which include slug lines, they are essential rules which should be considered by a script writer.

Selecting The Correct Format
The format of your script has to be correct, there is no point of start writing down a script and then putting it down on a piece of paper when you are not aware about the format of it!

Making an Outline of Your Script
First you have to sketch and pen down the outline of your script, first make a rough draft and sketch it down. The outline of your script has to be strong and impactful, it should be crafted strongly and powerfully.

Keeping Your Script Writing Simple
You have to keep the tone of your script all simple, it should neither be tough nor be childish. Just use the correct tone and craft a strong script.

Keeping The Tone of Your Script As It Is from Start Till End
The tone of your script should be same and as it is from start till the end of your writing phase. If the reader is going to feel a change of tone in your script then it is a sign that your script is not strong.

Avoid Writing a Lengthy Script
Your script should not be lengthy, otherwise the momentum of your script will be lost. Just keep and make it concise and precise. If it is the beginning stage then you have to start writing first of all short in length scripts, then after a time span, you can start writing length scripts for plays and drama series.

Stay tuned and we will share more easy tips of writing and putting down a script, so stay connected with us. Now read script writing tips in Urdu too.

How To Earn Money Through Script Writing? Tips in Urdu & English

How To Earn Money Through Script Writing? Tips in Urdu & English