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How To Earn Money With Content Writing? Super Tips

How To Make Money Online With SEO Content Writing? Golden Tips
Content writing is one of easiest method of making money online through out the world. Billions of websites need quality content daily for their users. There is an unlimited job market for content writers on Internet. If yo want to become a professional website writer, then you will have to learn basics of online SEO.

How To Earn Money With Content Writing? Super Tips

How To Earn Money With Content Writing? Super Tips

Your sample work will become your identity on Internet, so in the start even accept internships or go for guest posting too. You may earn 1 dollar to 150 dollars for writing one article through freelance websites. You may work as full time content writer and as a freelancer too.

What Content Writers Do?
Content writers search keywords for writing an article and then write SEO optimized articles full of information without any grammatical mistake. A full time writer can earn 6 to 30 thousands rupees per month in Pakistan. Freelancer writers can earn more money as they writes for international websites, which offer quite reasonable payment for writing articles.

Difference Between Content Writing & Print Media Writing
There is grave difference between print media writing and content writing for websites i.e SEO. Content writer has to follow the SEO rules, while print media writers enjoy full liberty. There is also difference of medium and length of article. Internet users do not read too much lengthy posts. Maximum recommended length is 2000 words, while ideal length is 1000 words.

SEO Tips For Content Writing 
1-Learn the use of Google adwards Keyword Planner as websites accept articles on those topics which have good monthly searches and suggested bids. We have written detailed article on use of this tool. You must read it.

2-For a video post, minimum required length of the post is 200 words. Reasonable length of a general post is 500 words. No posts below 300 words in accepted in any case.

3-You will have to be very careful about keyword density. You are not allowed to use a keyword more than 5% of total word count. Ideal keyword density is 3 percent.

4-Try to use a keyword which may target many keywords at a time like if you write a post on “How To Earn Money Online With Facebook?”, then you are basically targeting many keywords at a time like “How to earn money”, “Earn money online with facebook”, “Earn money online” & “How to earn money online with facebook?”. It is called intelligent thinking.

5-Use your main keyword in heading and description, once make it bold and once write it italic. Your emphasis should be on main keyword. Google loves the words like how to, why, tutorial etc, so use them intelligently.

General Super Tips About How To Earn Money With Content Writing
1-Try to provide maximum and unique information in your post.

2-There should be least grammatical and spelling mistakes.

3-Never copy paste and articles as all professional websites have hired the services of copy escape for avoiding plagiarism.
You will be fired immediately in case of any such attempt. You may take the help of Wikipedia but provide reference and copy a quote in quotation marks.

4-You must have good general knowledge and typing skills as hand written articles are not accepted.

5-Practice is the key to success in the field of content writing too. After write your article do compare it with the articles of same topic on Internet.

6- You must also learn wordpress development for launching your own website. It will be the best use of your talent for making money online. Believe me that you may easily learn WordPress and SEO in just one month, so in-spite of working for others, work for yourself and get the maximum reward for your skill and hard work.

7-Other than Upwork, freelancer, 99 designs, Guru, Fiverr and micro workers there are lot of other websites which pay heavily for guest posts. You may find them easily with Google search.

8-Last but not least try to master the art of creative writing. There are unlimited buyers of unique and originals articles.

Read our following articles too for more guidance about how to earn money with content writing.

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