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How to Get a job in NGO? 15 Super Tips for NGO Jobs

15 Super Tips About NGO Jobs in Pakistan & Abroad – Career in Non Government Organizations NGOs
NGO or Non Government Organizations offer high salaries to their employees that’s why after government jobs graduates prefer NGO jobs over other private sector jobs. NGOs are of different kinds and they work in different fields so you must first decide that in which kind of N.G.O you will prefer to work. Then apply in the maximum organizations of your favorite field. Visit the career category of different websites frequently and read daily newspapers too. In this article we shall discuss how to get job in NGO. We shall also share 15 super tips for NGO jobs in Pakistan and abroad.

NGO Jobs

How to Get a job in NGO? 15 Super Tips for NGO Jobs

1-You must have good command over English and local languages. Your both verbal and written communication skills should be excellent.

2-A person having command over different foreign languages like French, German, Arabic, Spanish, Russian are preferred as you may have to talk to foreign donors later on in your career.

3-You must be aware of the local traditions, cultures and specially concern laws.

4-Experienced candidates are preferred so try to get internship in any NGO.

5-Your education should be related to most demanded fields in NGO sectors. It has been noticed that candidates having Master degree in one of the following subject can get job in an NGO easily.
Social Work
Local and Foreign Languages
International Relations
Gender Studies
Special Education
Rural Development
Mass Communication
Law & Human Rights
You may also get diplomas and certificates in these subjects.

6-Candidate must be computer literate as now a days you can not get even a clerical job without having good command over the use of computer.

7-You should have good General Knowledge specially about the field in which your targeted NGO is serving.

8-Candidates should have some unique skills e.g report writing, data collection, function management, data analysis, proposal preparing, computer skills, creative writing, social mobilizer, leadership quality, survey conducting ability, social media expertise, networking, relations with local media, public dealing, innovative ideas etc.

9-Applicants should have good public relations and he must be extrovert as majority of NGO workers have to work in the field.

10- Your CV and cover letter should be impressive.

11-You should love your profession as your dedication and passion will affect the employers.

12-Attend the lectures, seminars, training and workshops conducted by various local and foreign NGOs. It will widen your vision. Don’t forget to get participation certificate.

13-Try to understand the working of Non government Organizations by browsing their official websites. This practice will help you a lot in clearing the job interview and recruitment test.

14-Become volunteer of different local and international NGOs and take part in their activities actively. It will not only give you practical experience but also add stars in your profile.

15-Last but least you must have inner sympathy for deprived classes of the society. It will ensure your success in NGO sector.

Ultimately, NGO jobs are also not easy to get and you will have to equip yourself with all the required skills for getting a job in NGO.
Visit and its facebook page frequently for reading career tips.