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How to Get Rid of Lizards at Home? Lizard Control Tips in Urdu & English

Easy & Cheap Lizards Control Tips in Urdu & English Languages
Do you want your house to be completely free from lizards? Are you worried about the constant appearance of the lizards in your house all the time running on the walls? If yes, then here we have some home remedies for you to give you a better guidance on how you can keep your house free from the lizards. Here are some easy and cheap tips and tricks on how to get rid of lizards at home;



Best Lizard Control Tips


Onion is one such vegetable which you will probably be finding in every single household with which no dish can be cooked perfectly. Its strong smell can easily cause the allergy in the eyes of any person. A human being does not support to stand at the places where there is a strong fragrance of the onion. You can also use this onion to get rid of the lizards in which you can cut the onions in slices and hang it over the wall areas which you might think are prone to the lizard home. Once it gets dry, you can remove it from the wall and hang a new fresh slice.



You can also make the use of the eggshell to get rid of the lizard! Most of the household choose to use the eggshells for getting rid of this reptile because lizards do take the eggshell as a big animal around them and they probably leave that area in which the eggshell has been placed. You have to replace the eggshell or remove it once you get a confirmation that lizard has gone.



Garlic is one such vegetable which you will probably be finding in every single household with which no dish can be cooked perfectly. You can cut the garlic in the shape of small slices and place it over the areas that have been prone to the lizards. You can add it with some drops of the onion juice in it and spray it around the corners or holes of the lizard home. Garlic and onion will together make an extremely strong smell to let the lizard run away from your home.



Coffee Powder:
Coffee powder is another best ingredient which you can use to let the lizards stay away from your home. You can take the coffee powder and make a mixture of it by including some fresh tobacco in it. Now make small medicines out of this mixture and make it place in the corners or the holes of the lizard areas.



Black Pepper:
Lastly we have black pepper which is another best ingredient for keeping the lizards away from your house. Black pepper has the strong unpleasant smell which mostly lizard do not like to stay around them all the time. Hopefully now you have enough information about lizards control. Now read detailed tips in Urdu language about how to get rid of lizards at home:


How to Get Rid of Lizards at Home? Lizard Control Tips in Urdu & English


How to Get Rid of Lizards at Home? Lizard Control Tips in Urdu & English