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How To Increase Height ? Super Tips in English & Urdu

How To Increase Height Quickly ? Golden Tips in Urdu and English Languages
There is a general perception among masses that it is not possible to increase height. Its a wrong perception as nothing is impossible in this world. Now the question arises that how to increase height quickly. First of all you will have to change your current life style. Join a gym and follow the instructions of your instructor. Change your eating habits too. Always take balanced diet. Increase the percentage of Quranic foods in your diet plan like olive oil, fig, honey, milk, fish, date palm, fruits, meat, flesh of foals.,pomegranate, vegetables etc.

Most Important Tip About How To Increase Height
You will have to change your mindset and approach towards your height issue. You must have firm believe in this reality that it is possible to increase the height. Never take it as just a possibility. You may increase your height with just your mind power too. You will have to learn the art of creative visualization and self hypnotism. These two techniques are helpful in the treatment of all diseases. We have written a detailed article to teach you this art. Here is the related link;

Creative Visualization & Self Hypnotism Techniques For Becoming a Superman

Yoga For Height Increase
Although i am not in favor of Yoga still I want to inform you that as per some prominent Yoga masters few Yoga exercises are also very helpful for increasing the height like;
Surya Namaskar
Talasana: (The Mountain Pose)
You may get the detail of these Yoga exercises on Internet. As per my personal opinion Muslim Prayer (Namaz/Salat) can solve our majority of medical problems, but unfortunately we Muslims (Not all of-course) try to offer our hastily without any concentration. Although Muslim prayer has has unlimited medical benefits but never offer your prayer for this purpose. Your aim should be to please your Almighty Allah.

Homeopathic Treatment For Increasing Height
Homeopathy has very effective medicines for increasing the height. Just Bryta Carb 200 can make you a tall person. You may use following 3 medicines too for quick result.
Baryta Carb 200 one drop thrice in a day.
Silicea 6x 4 tablets thrice in a day.
Symphytum Q 5 drops twice in a day.
Use these medicines at least for 6 months continuously.

We have given some super tips in Urdu about “How to increase height“. You must read and follow these health tips too.Visit the best health website of Pakistan i.e and its facebook page for guidance about health issues related to students and youth.

How To Increase Height ? Super Tips in English & Urdu

How To Increase Height ? Super Tips in English & Urdu