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How to Make Money Online


Making money on line is not a difficult task now a days. You can make as much money as you like. In this article we shall discuss earning money through blogging. Blog is a kind of website which is updated regularly. First you need to buy domain and hosting. Students can also create free blog on word press and blogger. We shall also let you know that how you can get free domain and hosting.
You can make a blog on your any favorite subject. Then write unique articles and post them on your blog regularly. It is recommended that you must write at least 4 to 5 articles in week. Length of each article may vary  from 300 words to 1000 words. Standard article contains about 500 words. Then you need to optimize your blog and article for search engine. We will write detailed articles on it in future. Currently i can tell you that there is two types of search engine optimization i.e on page optimization and off page optimization. Optimization helps search engines to rank your site or pages on the first page  for different key words. If your site gets rank for different key words in search engines like bing,yahoo and google, your site will get organic traffic. Now this will be the time when you can earn money through your blog. If you have reasonable traffic(from 300 visitors to1000 visitors a day) and your site have 40 to 100 posts and it is 4 to 6 month old than you can get ads from google adsense program  and many others too.

First you need to apply to google adsense program and if they approve your site you will  post their ads on your site and can earn money easily. Google will pay you money for every click on their ads. You can earn handsome money from this program. There are many other ways to earn money through your blog e.g affiliate marketing, providing services and many more, we will discuss them in detail too. This is my dream that every Pakistani student should have his own blog. India is shining due to its it sector now its our turn to shine. Inshallah we will make our country a super power through IT revolution. Remember that we Muslims are 500 year behind from West in science and technology but now the dynamics of progress have changed in this global world and through IT revolution we can cover this distance in just 20 years. Our leaders have no time to tackle the real issues now its our duty to build our future with our determination, hard work and faith in ALLAH.
In future we will discuss all other methods of earning money online. We shall train you completely that how to make money online. will try its best to solve all the problems of students of Pakistan including their economics, health, education, psychological and study related problems and issues.  So visit us regularly and also share this post with your friends.

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