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How To Make Money Online As A Writer? Super Tips & Tricks For Beginners

Learn How to Make Money Online Being A Writer? Complete Guide
If you are a writer and to want to make money online then now you are at the right website now. On this page we shall guide you about how to make money online as a writer.  Freelance writing is one of the easiest way of making money online. You just need to write some thing new and unique or some thing old in a new style. There are unlimited websites on internet which are in search of quality writers and content. So if you are a creative writer then sky is the limit for you on internet. Many English writers are selling their services to different website but still their income is not good. The basic reason is that these writer do not know the SEO. So if you want to earn an handsome amount by selling your articles then you will have to learn on page SEO too. Also learn the use of Google adwards keyword planner. It will gives you ideas about hot selling topics. This will help you a lot in learning that how to make money online.

Make your profile along with your fee for writing an article on all freelancing websites like Elance, Odesk and Free Lance. Here owners of different websites will read your profile and contact you for handing over different projects. You may also search article writing tasks on these free lancing websites. If your bid will suit to any publisher, he will contact you. When you will submit your project you will receive your payment through the free lancing website.

There are some article selling/content providing website too, they hire the writer who can write articles on different topics and they sell their articles to different publishers. You will be given a fix price for writing a articles for these sites.  You may also get your self registered on such sites.

How To Make Money Online

How To Make Money Online in 2015 As A Writer Super Tips For Beginners also another option for you. Here you can sell your article in 5 dollars. So make your profile on too. Read our article “How To Make Money Online  With in 2015? Super Tips & Tricks” for guidance about earning money online through

The best way for earning money as a writer is to start blogging. Successful blogger are earning lot of money through blogging. Writers of different websites think that its a difficult task to launch a website. But if you learn just WordPress and SEO then you may start blogging in just one month. I too was a gazetted government officer but due to some uncongenial circumstances i had to leave government job. After that i decided to start a blog and  just learned WordPress and SEO and now the result is in front of you. I was running first English monthly for lawyers in Pakistan. So writing was not an issue for me. My brother is a webmaster and he suggested me this way. I am thankful to him as now i am competing the company in which he was working.  By the grace of Almighty Allah i know that nobody can compete me. I am not very good at English but creativity is a thing that Almighty Allah has gifted to me. So you people if also have creative writing skill then start blogging otherwise read our article” How to Learn Creative Writing“. Please remember that net is not a school exam here ideas matter more than grammar. Following articles are also recommended for you

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How To Make Money Online

In first stage start guest posting it will give you confidence about your skill. Then learn SEO and WordPress and start your own blog. It is better for you to  write for yourself rather for others. Believe me its not hard learn both these skills. You can learn these skills in just one month. In beginning start your blog on a topic about which you have good knowledge as in earlier stage you need a jump start. May Almighty Allah help you in your whole life.  Visit us frequently for reading helpful articles on how to make money online.