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How to Make Money with Google Adsense – Top 20 Super Tips

All About How to Earn Money With Google Adsense-Top 20 Tips & Tricks
Google is the most popular search engine of the world. Google has launched a unique advertising program known as Google adsense for publishers(Website Owners). If you want to earn money online, then your first preference should be to get Google adsense account. Only those people can get Google adsense account who are running any quality website. Through Google adsense you will authorize the Google to display ads on your website. Google adsense is a PPC network. It means that it pays you money for each and every click on its ads. Revenue is distributed between Google and publishers with a specific ratio i.e 68:32. You will be given 68% of total income from clicks on ads, while Google will take just 32% of total earned revenue from ads.



How to Make Money with Google Adsense – Top 20 Super Tips

Google takes 32% of ads revenue for providing lot of services for example
Preparations of ads
Communication with advertisers
Receiving Payment & Keeping its Record
Providing free tools to advertisers and publishers

You will just have to place the ads on your blog or website. Only those people can get and keep Google adsense account who have ability to attract the attention of Internet users by publishing interesting posts on regular basis. You will also have to follow the rules and regulations of the company, while publishing articles on your website. We recommend you to learn the SEO techniques for increasing the traffic of your website, as your income through adsense depends upon the quality traffic of your website. Here by quality traffic i mean traffic from USA, UK, EU and developed countries. You may learn the web development and SEO in just one month. Web development through wordpress is very easy. Even a lay man can learn it in maximum 30 days. You may earn from 10000 to 1 million rupees through this program.

There is no real alternative of adsense program at all except affiliate marketing, selling services or ecommerce. Your income on this platform is directly proportional to your hard work and skills. Here by skills i mean just three skills i.e creative writing skills, SEO skills and web development skills. My own brother is an software engineer and employed in an multi national company. I am a lawyer by profession, but now i am earning more money than my brother. Thanks to my teachers of Arqum House who teach me web development through wordpress and SEO in just one month. You may learn both these skills along with creative writing skills in just one month by joining 3 in 1 earn money online course by arqum house.

Last year Google distributed more than 10 billion dollars among its partners. You may use your adsense account on youtube too. Believe me that adsense account is just like a petrol pump. You can earn money online till your death due to your initial hard work on your website. Its also like a pension scheme or insurance policy.

Top 20 Tips About How To Make Money With Google Adsense 

1-It is recommended that the primary language of your blog should be English. Google also supports some more languages too. It is expected that in near future Urdu will also be included in this list. At present Urdu websites earn money online mainly through facebook, so at least your first website should be in English.

2-Few years before yahoo was number one search engine, but Google is ruling over Internet. Nobody knows that what will happen in future, so kindly do not keep your all eggs in one basket. Come towards selling services/products online/affiliate marketing and other methods of making money online too like amazon, clickbank etc.

3-Google does not distribute dollars among bloggers. It just give you share of money which it earns from your website, so you will have to work hard to increase the traffic of your website by posting quality content on it and implementing SEO techniques.

4-Your website should be mobile friendly, as now a days majority of Internet users are using tablets or smart phones.

5-You must update your website regularly. Try to publish at least one or two posts daily on your each website.

6-Blogger‘s website can easily get adsense account, but its not a hard and fast rule as content has become real king in online world.

7-Design and theme of your website should be user friendly. Page loading speed should also be very fast.

8-Never ask your friends to click on your ads.

9-Avoid copy paste or spinning techniques, as you can not make Google fool for a long period. Your account will be canceled in case of any such attempt.

10-Never apply for second account from a same address gmail account and IP address.

11-Add necessary pages like contact us, privacy policy, comment policy and disclaimer before applying for adsense account. 12-Analise your competitor website for getting more traffic.

12-Payment is delivered through western union on 21st or 22nd of each month. Asian bloggers should apply after at least 90 days of launching their website.

13-You must make facebook page of your website, but ratio of your organic traffic must be more than your referral traffic.

14-Never spam or buy back links.

15-Never buy adsense account from anyone.

16-Always post unique and genuine content.

17-First try to get maximum traffic on your website and then apply for adsene account. It is recommended to apply for adsense account from Asian country after publishing 50 to 60 posts and 600 daily traffic.

18-Use google adwards keyword planner for getting reasonable traffic through proper keyword selection.

19-Google will pay you every month if your monthly income will exceed 10000 rupees.

20-First apply for infolinks account as its term and conditions are more flexible than Google. is another alternative of Google adsense, but here you need more traffic from USA and UK. Read our following articles too on the same topic.

How to Earn Money Through Google Adsense? Approval Tips

Earn Money Online in Pakistan – 20 Methods

25 Super Tips For Fast Approval of Google Adsense Account

Stay connected with studysolutionspk and its facebook page for guidance about making money online through Google adsense.