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Majority of educational institutes announce date sheets of different exams about one month before the exams. After the announcement of date sheet many students can not manage their study routine as per schedule of papers and some students follow their routine study schedule. In fact after the announcement of date sheet one should revise his/her time table and try to make it according to the exam’s schedule. Students should allocate days to all the subjects very wisely as time management is very important near the exams.

The subject in which you are weak should be given more time. The subjects which have more than one holidays during the exams, should be given relatively less time. The subject which have no holiday during the exams should be prepare first. You can not revise the whole book in one day so its better to make a list of important questions to be revised one day before the exam. Revise the whole book once before the exam after the announcement of date sheet on the designated days of each subject.  You may also make some key notes of all important question for revision on the day before the exam. Give less time to the first paper and prepare it in the last three or four days.

If there are more than one holidays in an easy subject then use that extra holidays for the preparation of any next difficult subject. Write down the date sheet and schedule of study according to date sheet on your diary. After preparing the schedule strictly follow it as you can not afford any negligence near the exams.

Instead of allocating days to different subjects you can also make a timetable in which you can allocate some hours daily to all subjects according to the nature of subjects, your preparation level of different subjects and schedule of date sheet. It all depends upon your will that which method you follow.

Science students usually ignore elective subjects due to which many brilliant students can not get their desired marks in exams. Its not a right approach you should give proper time to all subjects even after the announcement of date sheet as marks of all subjects are counted in your grand total. Practicals of Science students are usually scheduled after the written papers. So you should prepare your practical note books before the announcement of date sheet and should revise the practicals and viva questions during the holidays between the practical exams. But if your concepts are clear then you will not feel any difficulty during the written papers as well as in practical exams. Arts students of under graduate classes should give more time to English and their main elective subjects but certainly not at the cost of other subjects.

If you will make your timetable according to schedule of date sheet then your chances of getting good marks will increase by several times. Don’t hesitate to ask any question about your any difficulty regarding time management according to date sheet. Keep visiting us for career guidance.

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