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How To Meditate? Best Meditation Exercises

Meditation in Islam- Learn How To Meditate – Top 3 Meditation Exercises
If you want to know that how to meditate then now you have reached on your desired page. It is considered that Yoga is the best method of meditation but we have proved that Yoga is an international fraud. Its a set of baseless meditation exercises. The one and only best method of meditation is Islamic prayer. Islam is the best religion of the world. If you are nonbeliever then kindly read the translation of Holy Quran in your language. Compare this Holy book with any other religious book of the world, if you have a receptive mind then certainly you will feel that Holy Quran is the best holy book in this world.

Try all kinds of meditation first and then come towards Islamic prayer, you will definitely feel the difference between Islamic prayer and all other so called meditation exercises. Our Pakistani readers should read the article about how to meditate in Urdu below this page. We want to make it clear to the non Muslims that Holy Quran has challenged the world about 1400 years before that no one can present even a single verse equivalent to the one verse of Holy Quran,

We Muslims do not meditate at all as we know that our prayer is the best meditation exercise, still we do not take the Islamic prayer as a meditation exercise. We believe from the core of our hearts that Almighty Allah deserves to be worshiped. Meditation is a side benefit of Islamic prayer. Basically meditation is a personal experience. Its very hard to share our experiences during this process with others, but i assure you that there is no alternative of Islamic prayer in this world for the purpose of meditation. Challenge of Holy Quran is still applicable. Listening the Holy Quran carefully is also one of the best meditation exercises. Try to listen the Holy Quran with translation. Try to understand the hidden meanings of its verses. This practice is in its self best meditation exercise. Reading the Holy Quran carefully  with translation and full concentration is also one of the best meditation exercises.

Our Pakistani readers can read the details in Urdu about how to meditate and the best meditation exercises. We are sure that you will bookmark our website and its facebook page for reading useful articles on meditation exercises in future. May Almighty Allah show us the right path. Ameen.

How To Meditate? Best Meditation Exercises


How To Meditate? Best Meditation Exercises