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How to Stop Hair Fall?

Hair Fall causes, symptoms,treatment

Hair fall is a common problem among young students specially in girl students. This problem also affects their studies, they loses their concentration. Don’t bother we are here to help you out. If  your up to 100 hair fall daily then its normal as new hair grow to replace them naturally but if the ratio of falling hair is above 100  then you need to worry a bit. Some times you get this symptom from your parents in inheritance. For example if your father has this problem and your traits mostly match to him rather than your mother than there are more chance that you will inherit his diseases too. But even in such cases we can slow down this process.

How to Prevent Hair Fall

First thing in this regard which i want to share with you people is please avoid shampoos and conditioners. Come back towards nature as these shampoos and conditioners contain harmful chemicals, which give just temporary shine to your hair. Long term side effect of these artificial stuffs are countless.

Use natural oils such as mustard oil, olive oil, and amla (Indian Gooseberry) oil. These oils are best alternatives of chemical base hair fall solutions. Plus point of these natural products is that they have no side effects. You can use these oils alternatively. Long Sajdah in prayer (Namaz) is very helpful for this purpose too. It increases blood circulation towards our head and hair roots. But i am not saying at all to say your prayer for this purpose its your mandatory duty to bow before Almighty Allah. Its just a side benefit of prayer.

Always eat balanced diet as unbalanced diet is the cause of many hair problems. Increase ratio of vegetables in your diet as they contain very essential vitamins. Add honey in your diet plan. Try to cook your food in olive oil it will produce fast and unbelievable results. Its a holy oil for Muslims and Christians too, as Holy Quran and bible both have admired it. Extra virgin olive oil is relatively costly but is more effective.

How to Stop Hair Fall


How to Stop Hair Fall

Treatment & Remedies
Homeopathic and biochemic way of treatment have very good remedies for falling hair. Kali Phos 6X and Calcaria Phos 6x have excellent result. You can take four pills of both medicines four times a day alternatively.
In homeopathy a special oil is recommended for this problem namely Arnica medicated oil. You should use this oil regularly. Apply Arnica medicated oil to your hair before going to sleep and massage your hair gently for five minutes at least. Within a month your hair fail problem will be resolved.
Here are some useful homeopathic medicines for the treatment of falling hair and baldness
Fluoric acid 30- For  inherited problem
Phosphoric acid 30- Problem due to grief or sorrow
Phosphorus 30- Patchy baldness, dry hair, dandruff, heavy hair loss daily
Graphites 30- baldness on the both sides of head
Mezereum 30- hair stick together
Sepia 30- baldness due to ladies problem
Silica 30-  For teenager
Take one drop of medicine thrice a day.
Don’t hesitate to ask any question. Our medical team is always here to help you out.

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