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How to Study? Time Management Tips For Students

   How To Make Time Table  Many students don’t know how to study for getting better results in the exams..In this article we shall try to answer this important question. Students must set a timetable for study as time management plays a vital role in your success. Timetable must contain provisions for home work, making revision of what was taught that day and also include some time for preparing notes. On holidays allocate additional times for revision and notes. You should also reserve some time for the improvement of your personal skills. Every one differs from others by virtue of his personal skills-the more the skills, the more capable a person. You should have variety of skills for multidimensional development. Give more time to the skill or subject in which your are weak. Never become a book worm, you should also give some time for extra curricular activities. Balanced time table must have provision for both study and leisure. Extra curricular activities should have both indoor and out door activities. The important point is to have a fair balance between study and leisure. How to Study

How to Study? Time Management Tips For Students

Duration of study is also very important. Don’t have long unbroken periods of study. This hampers learning. You should not study a subject for more than one hour continuously. After an hour take a break of ten minutes. It will refresh your mind and prepare you again for a one more hour study. This is why all the periods in educational institutes are planned for about this length. Our mind delete certain chemical after the long period of study that affect processing of information and we can not remember and concentrate on what we are studying. During the break take some exercise, drink a glass of water, offer your prayer or have a cup of tea. But don’t play games or watch television during the interval.

This may distract you and it will be difficult for you to return to study. You should allocate separate time for these activities. The basic purpose of the break is to relax your mind, muscles and eyes. Sitting in one posture may be tiring and some physical tension builds up. Little activities during the break will refresh your mind and muscles. Never read a subject for a long time as it may cause some damage. Change of subject will also be helpful in reliving your fatigue. Also change your study activity after some time for example after one hour of writing work, start reading some subject. It will improve your receptivity.

Drawing or some type of graphical work can also relax you. Alternating the kind of activity we do is very helpful in improving receptivity. But remember that we can not rule out the individual differences as all individuals are unique and respond differently to studies. You should decide what is most suitable for you in specific circumstances. So make a suitable timetable making in mind your personal preferences and requirements. More important than the timetable is the resolution to follow it strictly. Only then you can drive maximum benefit from it. So revise the timetable  of your studies at home keeping in view the suggestions discussed above. You can ask any question about preparing your study schedule or timetable from our team of educationists.

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