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Tips About How To Succeed In Practical Life(CAREER)

In this article we shall discuss some practical tips for students about how to succeed in practical life(Career). Dear students  you should prepare your self for practical life as competition is growing in all fields of life. You should posses some extra qualities and qualification to excel in your career. For example first of all you should develop habit of reading books. In spite of wasting your time read an informative book daily like general knowledge books, history books, biographies and autobiographies . This will improve your general knowledge and IQ level which will help you a lot in your job search and career. Read complete news paper and also try to read English newspapers. It will increase your English writing skill which be helpful for you in competitive exams. Columns and features provide you in depth knowledge about current affairs. You should buy at least one book in a month with your pocket money. Make your own library at your home.  Spend more time in your college and university library and also become the member of other libraries of your city.

Many students waste their summer and winter holidays. But if you want to succeed in practical life you should get admission in some short courses during summer and winter holidays. Specially try to get some skill base qualification. If you can not get admission in regular courses then you may also get admission in distance learning short courses and diplomas.

Try to understand the concepts of every subject and write the answers in your own words in exams. This practice will improve your creative writing skill which is key to success in many professions and tests.

Extracurricular activities plays and important role in grooming of your personality. These activities improve your confidence level. So take part in quiz and speech competitions. Play games but after completing your daily study work.

Use computer and internet for gaining knowledge in spite of just for passing time. Search for scholarships and visa policies of developed countries. Use You tube for improving your knowledge and face book (and other social websites) for making social relations with skilled and successful persons. Participate in different online forums. Learn different methods of online earning specially blogging and seo.  Earning in student age will equip you with self confidence. Read foreign journals on internet. Improve your computer skills and get maximum knowledge of computer.

Watch informative channels like Discovery, History and National Geographic. Watch creative and science fiction movies. Become the member of your college societies and clubs and participate actively in their activities. You should also join some social networks who are working for some noble cause.

Never select any subject in your college and university without any solid reason. Consult your teachers or us for taking guidance about selection of subjects. You should opt subjects on the basis of their scope, your aptitude and future planning. If you have plan about appearing in competitive exams than you must opt those subjects in intermediate and graduation which you will like to chose in CSS/PMS. But never forget to chose at least one professional subject in which you will like to get Master degree. You should also utilize your job search time in improving your qualification. If you are preparing for CSS or PMS, then after the exams you should get Master degree in the subjects which you had chosen in competitive exams. While preparing the CSS exams do appear in different PCS exams.

I am sharing a column of Javeed Chaudhary with you about the same subject. Please read it also. I hope that you will like these tips about how to succeed in practical life (Career). Keep visiting your own website for having super tips about  career guidance and career counseling.

How to succed in practical life(career)

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