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Top 25 IELTS Preparation Tips For Getting 8 Band in First Attempt

Top 25 IELTS Preparation Tips For All

IELTS is mandatory test for the persons who want to study or work in any English speaking country. Here on this page we are giving you 25 tips for IELTS preparation. We hope that these IELTS preparation tips will help you in your preparation for IELTS test.

1-First try to identify your area of weakness. Then remove your weaknesses in that area. For this purpose spend more time in preparation of your weak skill.

2-Time is very important factor in this test. Try to complete your demo tests within the prescribed time limits, so that at the time of real test you will be able to finish your test within the given time limit.

3-Understand the structure and format of the test.

4-Don’t take heavy breakfast on the test day.

5-For improving your speaking try to speak English with your close ones. It is also recommended to have some practice sessions with your friends.

6-Take full sleep on the night before test but before going to bed arrange all necessary items such as watch, pen, pencil, admit card etc.

7-Reach the test center well before the time.

8-Increase your vocabulary by reading English books and news paper. Watch English news channels such as BBC and CNN to improve your  vocabulary and listening skill.

9-Attempt as many free online tests as you can. It will build your confidence.

10-Never think that you can not get your required score easily and remain confident and relaxed during the test.


Top 25 IELTS Preparation Tips For Getting 8 Band in First Attempt

11-Concentration is the key to success in this test so don’t loose you concentration.

12-Complete each task within the prescribed time. As it is possible that the second task may contain more marks than the first one.

13-Don’t write a pre planned and generalized answers. Always answer in your own words and don’t use words from question.

14-Read the instructions care fully and follow them with letter and spirit also follow the instructions of the examiner.

15-Always keep to the topic as irrelevant details will not give you any benefit.

16-In writing tasks don’t write words less than the minimum limit. It will be more harmful than crossing the minimum limit.

17-Complete your task within the given time and recheck it carefully.

18-Speaking is the most difficult module of IELTS and here your confidence and concentration are the keys of success.

19-Give brief and precise answer of every question and don’t address the tape recorder always address the examiner directly.

20-Avoid pre planned and irrelevant answers.

21-Your focus should be on your communication skill and accent rather than on general knowledge.

22-Speak gently in a moderate speed and use diverse idioms, phrases and vocabulary.

23-Speak before the mirror or record your voice while practicing. It will help you to identify your weaknesses.

24-In listening module read the questions carefully before the recording starts and note the key words will help you in answering the questions.

25-Last but not least there is no short cut of success in the world so work hard for getting your required score.

If you have any query about IELTS don’t hesitate to ask it. Keep visiting your favorite site for guidance about preparation of TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, ISSB, NTS and all other tests. If you like above given IELTS preparation tips then visit us daily.

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