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Best Interview Tips For Job Seekers, Dos & Don’t s


In this article i shall share with you some useful interview tips . I hope that by following these interview tips you will be able to get your desired job. An interview is a spoken examination for a particular position. The interviewer uses the opportunity to gauge the personal capabilities of candidate. Advance preparation for interviews is always beneficial. Body language is important in an interview. It speaks loudly about you. Little slips can doom an interview. Projecting a positive image at an interview is important. An interview offers a candidate a good opportunity to sell his capabilities.

Interview Tips

Best Interview Tips For Job Seekers, Dos & Don’t s

There are several kinds of interviews such as
Telephone interviews
Preliminary interviews
Panel interviews
Sequential interviews
Skill-based interviews

Many candidates wonder why they failed in the interview. Here are some common reasons you need to be aware of;
Not being aware of the purpose of the interview.
Appearing late for the interview.
Appearing in shabby clothes or ones not ironed.
A casual dress and attitude.
Lack of good manners.
Poor communication skills
Poor knowledge of the subject.
Unrealistic aspirations.
Discouraging body language.
Lack of self confidence.

Dos and don’t s
Do let go! The interviewer wants to get to know who you are, so feel free to be yourself.
Do mind the gap! Make a positive statement about things that would otherwise look negative.
Do speak up for yourself-you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Think of the interview as a kind of performance, you need to be bit larger than life’.
Do take care with your appearance,  consider every aspect of your presentation.
Do keep your answers simple and clear.
Do speak as you would normally, there is no need to put on act by using long words or complicated sentences.
Do boast your strengths and achievements-all the other candidates will be trying to make themselves look extra good too.
Don’t lose your confidence: concentrate on the vacancy that you are interested in.

Don’t worry about nerves-they never show to other people as much you think they do.
Don’t smoke or drink tea or coffee in the interview.
Don’t assume that the interviewer knows what you are talking about-the things that you think are obvious may be unclear to others.
Don’t ever give just ‘yes’,or ‘no’ answers-the employer will want to know more than that.
Don’t jargon or specialized terms without an explanation.
Don’t lie about yourself-you could face dismissal if you obtain a job under false pretenses.
I hope that you will like these interview tips. Also read our articles about art of writing CV and cover letter. Keep visiting your own website for career guidance.

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