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Introduction of SAT Test & ACT Test in Urdu & English

Complete Introduction of SAT Test & ACT Test in Urdu & English Languages 
Here we will discuss these international level and status tests and these are ACT test and SAT test. These are simple assessment exams which are important for the admission sake in a foreign university. These evaluation exams are must to be passed by the students for the sole purpose of seeking and hunting for the admission in foreign institutions. You might have heard less about these exams. This American College Testing exam and Scholastic Aptitude Testing exam, they are important and highlighted exams been demanded by all international universities. When your academic grades and scores are evaluated by the foreign universities admission committees, then same way, passing in their required tests, like ACT exam, SAT exam, it is important too.

American College Testing Exam Total Time Frame
This exam has duration and must to be complete in 3 hours. Normally this is perceived by the students that these international level exams are tough both from time management perspective and syllabus handling side. But academies are also made for this sake and for your guidance.

Pattern of American College Testing Exam
In ACT exam, you will get 75 questions from English portion. The syllabus for this section, it is completely extended. In total time of 45 minutes, this portion has to be completed. In ACT exam English section,all basic topics are included starting from comprehension to antonyms and synonyms, from grammatical based sentence correction phrases to preposition usage sentences. Then more 60 minutes will be given and this time frame is for maths subject. 60 questions and 60 minutes, that means per question has to be completed in a single minute. Then next 35 minutes will be given for another section of general nature. This ACT exam has another important section and these science related questions which has to be done in 35 minutes as there will be 40 in total questions.

Scholastic Aptitude Test Exam
Basically SAT-I test and SAT-II test, they are main divisions of this assessment phase. First is the general test category and later one is the subject test category.

SAT-II Exam Pattern
In this Sat-II exam assessment, any student has to go through the topics from physics and chemistry subject and also from mathematics level I and mathematics level II course subjects. Some students appear in SAT-I exam and SAT-II exam assessments. In this way, they get official exemption from local universities admission test phase. Like we have LCAT test. If you have eligible score in SAT-I exam and SAT-II exam test, then LCAT test is not needed.

These exams happen for multiple times in a year. For SAT-I and SAT-II tests, October, November, December month, January, month of May and June, they are allotted. If you sat for Scholastic Aptitude Testing exam in 2018 then you can use this score test for next five years. After five years, this score will become expired and student has to sit for this Scholastic Aptitude Testing assessment phase again. These are the brief introduction sides of these evaluation exam tests for international studies level. If you are preparing your mind to pursue an international degree, then first pass this test. Without this test and an eligible score in your hands, no international university will admit or qualify you for their admissions phase. Here is Urdu article on introduction of SAT test and ACT test.

Introduction of SAT Test & ACT Test in Urdu & English

Introduction of SAT Test & ACT Test in Urdu & English

Introduction of SAT Test & ACT Test in Urdu & English