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Islamic History Introduction, Jobs, Career, Scope & Required Abilities

Islamic History Introduction, Job Types, Career, Employment Area, Scope Benefits & Required Skills 
Islam is the one and only living divine religion of the world. Islam has changed the history of the world. Islam emerged as an agent of change on the map of the world. Islamic history is also very bright. Being a Muslim we must study study Islamic history in details. One must study this subject at least till graduation. Arabic grammar and language is also taught in this subject, which will enable you to understand the meaning of Holy Quran and Hadiths of Holy Prophet (SAWW).

Islamic History Introduction, Jobs, Career, Scope & Required Abilities

Islamic History Introduction, Jobs, Career, Scope & Required Abilities

You will study about the spread of Islam in this subject. You will also read strange incidents about which there is need of more research work, but unfortunately Muslim scholars do not allow the ordinary people to do research on Islamic history. They have changed this humanity subject into a sacred subject. Only religious scholars are allowed to do research on Islamic history. Research of such scholars is admitted by the people of their sect only.

We recommend you to get MA Islamic Studies and MA Arabic degrees too, if you want to force the so-called Islamic scholars to admit your research.

They day is not far when scholars of Islamic History will be respected in Muslim societies. Unfortunately at present Islamic religious institutions are enjoying monopoly on all religious affairs. No outsider (Even PhD degree holder) is allowed to do independent research on Islam or its history. Theses so called Muslim scholars accepts the research of experts of their own sect only.

Islam is a religion of nature, If any Muslim ruler was not a pious man, it does not mean at all that Islam is a wrong religion, but unfortunately sectarianism has influenced our culture and history too. Different sects have their own history, No sect accepts the research of any independent source.

Islamic History is an scoring an easy subject for all Muslims. It will also help you in your compulsory Islamiat paper of FA, BA, BSc, BS, CSS and PCS. Higher degree in this subject will also help you in finding reasonable job in about 60 Islamic countries. Even Islamic centers of non Muslim countries will also offer you job. You must continue to increase your knowledge about Arabic language, history and Islamiat. This subject will also help you in becoming a true preacher of Islam, so try to learn the use of internet too.

Islamic History Jobs, Career & Scope
Job Types
Subject Specialist School Teacher
Lecturer of Islamic Studies or History
Islamic Writer
Islamic Research Scholar
Jobs in Preservation Departments of Museums
Archivist for Museums, Islamic Sites and Research Institutes
Islamiat Teacher
Mystic Writer
Tourist Guide of Islamic Historic Buildings
Research Assistant
Religious Teacher in Pakistan Army
Fiction Writer About Islamic History

Employment Areas
Islamic Centers
Research Institutes
Publishing Houses
Archaeology Department
Religious TV Channels and Print Media
Religious Websites
Armed Forces
Schools and Organisations of Comparative Religions
Preaching Organisations

Who Should Study Islamic History?
Those who have deep interest in Islam.
Those who have research oriented mindset.
Non believers who are in search of ultimate reality.
Those who want to become teacher or writer.
Reading books on related topics should be your hobby/
Strong oral and written communication skills in Arabic, English and local languages.
You must read our articles on career and scope of Arabic language, History and Islamiat for further guidance on the topic. Visit or categories of Islam and Spiritualism too. Stay connected with two fastest growing educational websites of Asia and with their facebook pages.