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Islamic Marriage Bureau For Quick & Simple Arranged Marriage

How To Get Married Soon? Guide For Single Muslims 
Oh, you too are among those who are looking quick arranged marriage. O.K fine, its natural, marriage is most important event in one’s life but unfortunately in modern world now it has become one of the most difficult tasks to achieve. Every young person is trying to find his/her ideal, but you need to be pragmatic in approach as no one is ideal in the world. So first thing is to make your choice a little realistic. Compromise on your demands. In fact problem is from both genders. Male wishes to marry with most pretty, educated and rich lady who brings lot of dowry, while female want to marry with handsome and well established male. Marriage is not a name of getting benefits from other side. Its a sacred agreement in which both parties should back & complement each other. So avoid lust and emphasize on character and inner beauty rather than wealth and outer beauty. How you can lead your life with a rich but rude partner. If you will chose your partner sincerely on the basis of his/her character traits, you will never repent on your decision.

Tips For Arranged Marriage 

Now a days women have excelled in education than males and they want to marry with a person having at least equal qualification. Demand and supply rule of Economics also applies here. When available highly qualified males are less in number then how every educated lady can find a partner of her choice. Females are more in number in majority of the countries and a well qualified & established male gets lot of offers. Will he select a partner on the basis of her education only? Not at all, other factors (family back ground, status, physical beauty) are also considered. So please be practical.


Islamic Marriage Bureau For Quick & Simple Arranged Marriage

Islamic Marriage Bureau For Quick & Simple Arranged Marriage 

Dowry is the biggest hurdle in the marriages of females. Even educated males have no courage to say no to dowry. Its the curse which has ruined the lives of millions of women. There is a need to launch a massive campaign against this social evil. Boys should convince their families that they should not demand dowry. If you gets dowry today, you will have to give it to your sister and daughters too. You will also have to face the music in the life hereafter for rejecting the girls just because of dowry. I do not considered a man educated, if he even do not know this simple reality that dowry is a worse curse in our society. And my dear educated sister are you searching for educated men of this narrow mentality. Below in this post we have given a contact number for those who are looking for dowry free arranged marriage.

Islamic Marriage Bureau For Quick & Simple Arranged Marriage


If a noble person have a skill, education or he is posted on a junior post, then there are chances that in future he can build his future. Husband and wife can jointly run their house. So girls should also not reject such proposals. Always takes some time for thinking and investigating before rejecting any proposal.

Quick Marriage Bureau For Arranged Marriage 
Get yourself registered on matrimonial sites. Most of the sites takes charges but some are free too. Idara tablig ul Quran is situated in Lahore on Empress road near Haji camp. where you can view files of thousands of men and women of different castes and qualification for arranged marriage after registration. Registration fee is also very nominal. People will will view your profile and contact you through your given number. You can also contact them directly on phone. Idara Khadija Tul Kubra Nizamia road Qila Gujjar Singh Lahore is also a same kind of Islamic marriage bureau. Qari Naseem is running this marriage bureau and his contact number is 0321-8585684.

Islamic Marriage Bureau For Dowry Free Arranged Marriage
Tehrik-e-Sirat ul Mustaqim is striving for dowry free Islamic arranged marriages. Its an Islamic marriage bureau in Lahore, which helps you in finding a partner. who do not demand dowry and ready for simple traditional Islamic marriage. Mr Yousuf Aziz is running this movement in Lahore and his mobile number is 0300-4270377. Services of this bureau are also not free but nominal fee save your large amount of money. There is a need of free Islamic marriage bureau and a wedding website which fight against dowry. We are committed to do this when resources will be available. Any one else can also implement this idea.

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