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Latest from Google & Microsoft

New Developments by Google and Microsoft

Google has developed an application which can translate hand written content. This application will be very useful for tourists. They will be able to translate hand written content into their mother language. Presently this application can translate up to 13 languages including Persian, Punjabi, Arabic,Tamil, Til go, Mongolian and Gujarati. Google is working to ad more languages in this application. This application is called Google translate application and can be updated in any smart phones. Google has already introduced facility of voice translation. This application will make universal communication more easier.
Smart Watch By Google
Google is also going to launch its first smart watch with the cooperation of LG(south Korean Company). LG has already designed two smart phones(Nexus 4 and Nexus 5) for Google. This watch will be introduced in June 2014. Google has not disclosed the features and price of its first smart watch yet. But we hope that this smart watch will be feature rich and Google will demand reasonable price for it.
Free Windows 8.1
On the other hand bing is going to launch free version of windows 8.1. Majority of the internet users use windows xp. Windows xp has three times more market share than Microsoft’s newly introduced windows 8. People are not ready to shift from windows xp. According to media news Microsoft is going to take some unexpected steps for popularizing its new windows 8.1. According to a Russian IT expert, Microsoft will introduce very cheap or free version of windows 8.1. This operating system will be called windows 8.1 with bing. This version will be provided free or at  very nominal charges to the user of Windows xp, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Microsoft thinks that it will compensate its loss with its other services like bing, one drive and Microsoft office.
You can read all these three stories in Urdu below this post. Visit our website daily for latest technology updates.

New window 8.1 by MicrosoftNew application by Google Goggle introduces smart watch

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