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Learn Korean Language, Career, Scope, Jobs, Benefits & Courses

How To Learn Korean Language? Career, Scope, Jobs, Benefits, Courses, Certificates and Diplomas  

Korea is a peninsula in North Eastern Asia . Korean nation has been divided in to two countries by the super powers of the world i.e South Korea and North Korea. North Korea is a devolving country, but it has become an atomic and missile power. Russia and China are major allies of North Korea, whereas South Korea is a first world (Developed) country. USA has provided the nuclear umbrella to South Korea. USA, UK, Germany, France and NATO countries are major allies of South Korea. Korean language is spoken in following three countries
South Korea
North Korea

Learn Korean Language, Career, Scope, Jobs, Benefits & Courses

Learn Korean Language, Career, Scope, Jobs, Benefits & Courses

All those people who want to get job abroad first try to get work permit of European Union countries, their second choice is South Korea and third choice is Middle East countries. We also recommend to all abroad job seekers to try for Western countries or South Korea. But forgetting a work permit of South Korea you will have to learn Koran language otherwise you can not get a work permit on any cost. If you want to get education in any Korean language speaking country then again you will have to lean the Korean language. Korea is one the greatest country of the world which is proud of its language. I do not now that when we people come out of inferiority complex. Does Pakistani nation is a deaf country. Is our language is inferior to any other language of the world. All opponents of Urdu just now barking, as Urdu is the only language of the world which can absorb the words of any other language. Before 1947 we were the slave of white people but now we are slave of brown people.

Overseas employment Cooperation of Pakistan (OEC) offers Korean language course in very reasonable fee. If you are interested in getting the work permit of any Korean language speaking country or you are interested in getting higher education or scholarship in such countries then please get admission in this course. This course will also help you a lot in clearing the EPS Topik test, which is mandatory test for getting the work permit of South Korea. Now many boos and Urdu Korean dictionaries are also available in the market. Please consult these boos too. NUML university and some private institutes are also offering foundation courses, functional courses and diplomas in Korean languages. Serious career conscious candidates must also go for these courses. Korean speaking countries are much better destination for you than Middle East countries. Korean language is not hard at all to master.

Jobs, Courses & Career
One of my class fellow was deported from South Korea due to some technical reasons but after that he started a Korean language learning college. Now he is taking 10000 rupees monthly fee for his 3 months foundation course. Many of his student have cleared the EPS Topik Test. So please think that your hard work will not pay you at all.
Home Tutor
Jobs in import export companies
Foreign affairs dept
Korean companies in homeland and abroad
Corespondent of Korean newspapers, TV channels and news agencies
Intelligence agencies
Owners of private coaching centers
Till now no Master degree in Korean language is available in Pakistan, so you will have to study privately too. Practice is the key of success in this field too. We hope that serious students will watch Korean TV channels and read Korean books and newspapers for mastering this complex language. Visit the fastest growing educational website of Pakistan and its facebook page daily.