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BS History Scope in Pakistan, Career, Jobs, Subjects, Eligibility, Universities

Scope Bachelor of Science in History in Pakistan, Career Guide, Topics, Tips, Institutes, Job Areas, Job Types, Benefits, Merit, Subjects, Challenges, Required Qualities, Eligibility, Further Study Options & FAQs

BS history is a popular undergraduate degree program in Pakistan. This program helps you to learn about our civilization, culture and traditions. In Western countries history is taken as a science and its true too. As the principles of history are universal and give the same results every times just like principles of science. This subject improve your vision and approach towards life. That is why we are taught history as compulsory subject in junior classes. We learn thought provoking lessons from history.



What is History?

History is the study of past events, particularly in human affairs. It encompasses a broad range of activities for example collecting, analyzing , interpreting & presenting information about past occurrences.



Components of History

Chronological Events: Ordering events in time to understand the sequence & cause-effect relations.
Cultural History: The study of the culture , practices & beliefs of societies.
Political History: Analysis of political events, leaders & movements.
Economic History: Exploring past economic conditions,, industries & trade.
Social History: Understanding the lives of people, communities & classes.



Purpose of Studying History

Studying history allows us to:

Understand Context: Gain a better understanding of how the past has shaped the present.
Learn from Mistakes: Avoid repeating errors by learning from past failures & misjudgments.
Inspire Innovation: Previous inventions & ideas can inspire future advancements.
Cultivate Identity: Discover roots, heritage & a sense of belonging.
Inform Decision Making: Historical knowledge can inform better decisions at both societal & individual levels.



Analyzing History

Historians use a variety of sources to study history, including:

Primary Sources: Original documents or physical objects existing from the period under study .
Secondary Sources: Accounts or interpretations of events created by someone removed from the actual event..

BS History Scope in Pakistan, Career, Jobs, Subjects, Eligibility, Universities

BS History Scope in Pakistan, Career, Jobs, Subjects, Eligibility, Universities


The analysis of history is subject to interpretation &  it is common for historians to debate different understandings of the same events; a process that can lead to a richer  & more nuanced view of the past ,. History is not just a static record of what happened but a dynamic &  evolving discipline that continually reassesses our understanding of the past and its implications for the future.



List of Universities Offering BS History Program in Pakistan

IUB Bahawalpur, GCUF, UOG, IIUI, NUML Islamabad, PU Lahore, QAU Islamabad, UOK, GCU Lahore, The Women University Multan, LCWU, EU Lahore, Hazara University, BZU Multan, University of Mianwali, University of AJK, Okara Universities, SBB Women University Peshawar, UOP, UOB, UOS, Aror University, FCCU, LUMS and many other colleges/universities are offering BS History program in Pakistan.



Importance of BS History For Competitive Exams

BS History is also very popular among the candidates of competitive exams. As it is considered one of the top scoring subjects in CSS and PMS. It also helps the candidates in general knowledge, Islamic studies and Pakistan affairs papers. One other positive feature of BS History is that in our country Pak studies is a compulsory subject till graduation level. So your opportunity for finding a job increases a lot as a teacher or lecturer. It is a relatively easy subject too. In fact its my favorite subject and i am too a student of BS Pak Studies AIOU. We shall compare both subjects in future.



Topics Covered

BS History programs in Pakistan typically cover a wide range of topics, including:

1-Ancient civilizations & cultures
2-Medieval history
3-Colonialism & imperialism
4-Nationalism & independence movements
5-Modern history and contemporary issues
6-Political, social, economic & cultural history
7-Historiography and research methodologies
8-World history



Points to Remember

You can not appear in the exam of BS history as a private candidate too. Students can also attempt the papers in Urdu language. You will also get the title of historian after completing your degree. Remember the pioneer Historian in the world history was a Muslim social scientist named Ibne khaldun. Who proved first time in history that history is a scientific subject. So this subject is our heritage and we should promote it by studying it in higher classes. Professor Rafiq Ahmad, Abdullah Malik, Dr Mubarik Ali and KK Aziz were some historians from Pakistan



Benefits of BS History

1-Deep understanding of past events & their relevance to the present
2-Critical thinking & analytical skills development
3-Research & writing proficiency
4-Enhanced communication skills
5-Cultural awareness and sensitivity
6-Preparation for further academic pursuits or careers in various fields



Merit of BS in History

In reputed universities like PU Lahore, QAU, UOK merit of BS history remains high as compared to other private and public sector universities. You must be at least 1st division holder in HSSC exam. Some universities may also ask candidates to sit in entrance test and interview.



BS History Subjects in Pakistan

Here is the list of subjects taught is BS History program offered by PU Lahore;

Islamiat, English, Computer Science, History of Freedom Movement (1857 to 1930), History of World Civilizations, Elementary Math, Pak Studies, History of Islam (610 to 750 A.D.), International Relations, Fundamentals of Geography, Muslim Struggle for Independence (1930 to 1947), Research Methodology, Basics of Archaeology, Govt & Politics in Pakistan-I (1947 to 1971), Foreign Policy of Pakistan (From 1947 to 1997), Ancient India History, Functional Urdu, Muslim Rule in South Asia ( From 712 to 1526), Govt & Politics in Pakistan-II (1971 to 2000), Intro to Pol Science, Intro to Sociology, Intro to Historiography & Philosophy of History, History of Europe (1453to 1789), Basic Psychology, Muslim Rule in South Asia (1526 to 1707), History of Umayyads and Abbasids (661 to 1258), Intro to Philosophy, Later Mughals & British India ( From 1707 to 1857), Muslim Rule in Spain, History of the Punjab (1707 to 1947), International Relations (1919 to 1989), United States of America after 2nd World War, Central Asia, History of the Ottoman Empire (1288 to 1924), State and Society in Medieval India (1206 to 1707), Modern Middle East (1919 to 2000), Muslim Contribution to Arts, Science and Architecture, Pakistan’s Economy-An Historical Survey, Pakistani Society and  Culture and History of England (From 1688 to 1919).




1-You need to develop strong research & writing skills
2- Try to engage actively in discussions & debates
3-You must seek internships or volunteer opportunities in relevant fields
4-Kindly stay updated with current events & historical debates
5-Try to develop network with professionals in the field
6-Consider pursuing additional certifications or language courses related to your area of interest
7-You may also launch your youtube channel on history for earning money online.
8-You must write articles for media for developing your profile.
9-Do go for MS and PhD after BS for improving the chances of jobs in academia and research sectors too.
10-People love to read history, so you may also launch a blog on history.
11-Read the hidden side of history too like Dr Mubarik Ali as our written history is not authentic. It has been written by public historians or Britishers.
12-You can also teach history and Pak Studies online.



Career Scope for BS History in Pakistan


Job Types

Government officer
Subject Specialist
Lecturer of History
Lecturer of Pakistan studies
Preservation jobs in Museums
Archivist for Court Houses, Museums, Public Libraries, Historical Sites and Other Institutions.
Curator, and Guide in historical buildings and museums
Research Assistant
Historical fiction writer
School Educator
Research Analyst
Tour Guide
One last thing an BS History degree holder can get job in any field on the basis of his natural talent and confidence.



Job Areas

Academia: Teaching at colleges & universities
Research: Working in research institutes or think tanks
Museums and Archives: Curatorial roles, archival management
Public Service: Government departments, heritage conservation organizations
Media: Journalism, documentary filmmaking, content writing
Publishing: Editing, historical writing
Tourism Industry: Heritage tourism, tour guiding




Here is the list of some expected challenges;
1-Limited job opportunities in traditional career paths
2-Competition in academia & research fields
3-Balancing historical accuracy with societal & political sensitivities
4-Limited funding for historical research & preservation projects
5-Keeping up with advancements in technology & research methodologies



Eligibility Criteria

To join a BS History program, you must have clear FA exam with  minimum second division.



Required Skills

Research skills: Historian should has ability to gather, analyze& interpret historical data
Critical thinking: You should be able to evaluate sources & historical narratives critically
Communication skills: BS History students should be able to effectively convey historical information through writing, presentations or teaching
Attention to detail: Ensuring accuracy and precision in historical analysis
Adaptability: Being open to new perspectives & methodologies in historical research



Further Studies options

You can further specialize by doing an M. Phil or a PhD. Some of the courses available are listed below:
M.S in History
M. Phil in History and Archaeology
M. Phil in Iqbaliat
MS in Pakistan Studies
PhD in History
PhD in History and Archaeology
PhD Iqbaliat
PhD in Pakistan Studies.

You may specialize in subfields of history like art history, cultural history, economic history, or diplomatic history.

BS History graduates can explore interdisciplinary studies combining history with fields like anthropology , sociology or political science.




A BS in History offers a rich & diverse educational experience with numerous opportunities for personal & professional growth in Pakistan. By honing critical thinking, research & communication skills, history graduates can contribute meaningfully to various sectors while fostering a deeper understanding of the past and its implications for the future.


BS Art History in Pakistan, Scope, Subjects, Jobs & Institutes


FAQs About Scope of BS History in Pakistan

Here are some FAQs about future career scope of BS History in Pakistan;

Q: Can I pursue a career in fields other than academia with a BS in History?

A: Why not, a BS in History equips you with transferable skills valued in various industries, including research, media , public service  & tourism.

Q: What are the prospects for historical research in Pakistan?

A: Historical research in Pakistan is gaining momentum with increased interest in preserving cultural heritage &  understanding national identity. However challenges like funding  & access to resources persist.

Q: Is teaching the only viable career option for history graduates?

A: No, while teaching is a common career path, history graduates can pursue diverse roles in research , writing, consulting & public service.

Q: How can I stay updated with developments in the field of history?

A: You will have to engage in academic conferences, join professional organizations , follow historical journals and publications & participate in online forums and discussions.  

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