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Career & Scope of MA Political Science, Eligibility, Subjects & Jobs


MA Political Science is a 2 year program after graduation. It is one of the most popular Master of Arts Program. If you want to join politics or want to become a Political scientists then it will be a right choice for you. Political science is a wide subject you also study civics, international relations and history in this Master program. This subject deal with all the hot international, political and geo political issues and theories. You study comparison of different political systems and institutions which increases your exposure. It increases your political and civic sense too. You can get this degree as private candidate also.


Career & Scope of MA Political Science, Eligibility, Subjects & Jobs

Some distance learning universities are also offering MA Political Science Program. This program enhances your general knowledge common sense and analytical skill. Majority of hosts of political talk shows have this degree. Lawyers also like to get this degree as it relates with their profession. Some universities are also offering M.Sc degree in Political Science. In fact politics has become a science now a days. You can not excel in politics without having good knowledge of this science.

Career & Scope
Holder of Master degree in political science can join politics but never take politics as a profession. Every year large number of MA Political Science lecturers are recruited as lecturers in government colleges by Public Service Commission. As these lecturers can also teach history and Pakistan Studies. History, Civics and  Pakistan studies is also taught at school level in Pakistan so as a subject specialist

You can also join government and private schools. But in this case it is recommended for you to get Bed degree as it will improve chances of your selection. Due to wide exposure MA Political Science degree holder can join all the media houses as political reporter, sub editor columnist and host of a political talk show. Many NGO,s like Pildat who are working for democracy can also recruit you. MA Political Science degree helps you in the papers of Pakistan affairs, International Relations, History and General Knowledge as well as Political Science.

Student must have bachelor degree in any relevant subject from any recognized university. You may also have to appear in interview and entry test.

Following subjects are taught in MA Political Science in Punjab University.
Part One
Western Political Thoughts
Muslim Political Thoughts
Comparative and Developmental Politics
International Relations
Ideology and Dynamics of Politics in Pakistan

Part Two
Compulsory Subjects
Comparative Political Systems
Pakistan Movement

Optional Subjects
Students have to select three subjects from these optional subjects
Foreign Policies of Major Powers
International Law:
International Organization:
Political Sociology:
Local Self Government in Pakistan:
Public Administration
Defence and Strategic Studies
Modern Political Thought – Western
Modern Political Thought – Muslims
The Muslim World – Dynamics and Issues
External Relations of Pakistan
Research Methodology
Public Policy
Political Geography
Governance and Democracy
Political System of India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal
Political System of Iran, Iraq and Egypt
Political System of Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria
Political System of Sweden, Norway and Denmark
Political System of France, Germany and Switzerland

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