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MA Punjabi Subjects, Eligibility, Career & Scope

History of Punjabi Language
Punjabi is a widely spoken language of Indo Pak. In Eastern Punjab it is written in Gurmakhi script while in Pakistan it is written in Arabic script. Basically it an indo-Aryan language. It is also considered on of the main origins of modern Urdu language. There are about 90 million native speakers of it that’s why it is the 11th most widely spoken language on globe. Although majority of native speakers live in Pakistan still it has no any official status in the country. Punjabi language has a rich heritage in poetry specially in mystic poetry. Baba Bulleh Shah and Waris Shah were the greatest poets of Punjab. It is a sacred language for Sikhs as their sacred book Granth Sahib was written in this language. Founder of Sikhism Guru Nanak is considered the pioneer of literary tradition in Punjabi.

MA Punjabi Subjects, Eligibility, Career & Scope

MA Punjabi Subjects, Eligibility, Career & Scope

Eligibility Criteria 
Just simple graduation degree is required for appearing in MA private exam from any university but for admission in government and colleges and universities at least second division is required in graduation. Students have have studied Punjabi at Bachelor level are given preference.

Career & Scope of MA Punjabi
My mother language is too Punjabi and i love it but unfortunately the scope master in this subject is very limited. Usually only those students opt this subject who want to get a Master degree in some easy and scoring subject. Unfortunately we can not recommend this program to ordinary students. But all those students who have interest in this subject can go for it. You can get the job of lecturer and subject specialist after getting this degree, There are few number of Punjabi TV channels, newspapers and magazines, which are also the employment places for Master degree holders. Civil service is also an option for you. But remember one thing that if you have a creative writing ability then master in this subject will improve employment opportunities for you.

You can also get all that posts which require a simple MA degree. Students who have natural ability of Punjabi poetry must also go for this degree, Majority of Pakistani movies are made in Punjab so there is also scope for you as script writer. Some non government organizations are also working for promotion of local languages, literature and Sufism. You may join them too as researcher. For getting job in university and fast track career progress get admission in M.Phil. Some literary work may also make your profile attractive for employers. If you do not have natural talent and interest in any local language then your first Master degree should be in some vocational or professional subject.

Employment Areas
Daily Newspapers
Local TV Channels
Civil Service
NGO’s for the promotion of Sufism
Publishing Houses
Movie Script Writer
Drama Script Writer
Mystic Organizations
Cultural Organizations

Part 1
Classical Poetry
Religion & Mysticism
Special Study of Waris Shah
History of Punjabi Literature

Part 2
Modern Poetry
National Poetry and Study of life of Hazrat Muhammad SAW
Translation from Arabic & Persian
Research Paper
Radio & TV Journalism and Punjabi
Folk Literature
Stay in touch with the best counseling site of Pakistan for free guidance about different courses and degrees. You may also ask questions about your future career options.

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