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Make Money Online Through in 2024-Tips in Urdu & English

How To Make Money Online Through Tips For 2024 in Urdu & English
After Blogging is the best way of making money online for students. was launched in 2010 and now it has become the biggest website for micro jobs on internet. Here you can attract customers by offering micro jobs or some unique service. Large number of Pakistani students have earned hundreds of dollars from this No matter you are a skilled person or non-skilled person, its best website for you, if you have interest in making money online. It has been noticed that is a best platform for creative minded persons. Its a best website for household females too. If you have any unique idea than you may earn heavy money even without any hard work.


How To Earn Money With in 2015? Super Tips & Tricks

Make Money Online Through in 2024-Tips in Urdu & English


Beginners should start making money money online from fiverr as they can get recognition on online world through this platform. Here chances of fraud are also near to zero%. You will not have to clear any type of test. First of all you will have to make your account on Its procedure is very easy. Open the on your browser and click the join button. Now act upon the given instructions. You will not have to pay any kind of fee for making your account on this website. On you can offer different services like logo design, article writing, proof reading, link building, translation proof reading, photoshop editing etc.



Make Money Online Tips For Fiverr

After making a account, you will have to concentrate on the presentation of your Gig. You must present your services in an attractive manner. For introducing your services you will have to make your Gig. In you Gig you will write that what you can do for your customers in 5$ e.g logo, design, banner design, SEO services etc. Write the description of your Gig in clear and attractive words. Avoid exaggeration but describe your abilities completely. It has been noticed that adding an video in your display will be very helpful for you. Title of your Gig should also be unique and impressive. Kindly do not become a copy cat and try to offer something unique and better from others for success. You can also promote your gig through different social media websites.



Levels of Fiverr

Fiverr has three different levels. Beginners are given basic account. In basic account you can make up to 5 Gigs and you can get projects of up to 325$. If you will remain active on fiverr for three days and gets 10 orders then you will be promoted in level 1. At level one you an make 10 Gigs and can get projects of up to 1500$. For entering in level 2 you will have to complete at least 50 tasks within 2 months and people’s rating about your work should be 4.5 or above. Level 2 seller can make 15 Gigs. The can deal in big projects too and they will get special customer support of fiverr. Third level is called Rockstar. For entering in this level you need to get 4.7 or above rating. Your sales should also be very good. At Rockstar level you can create up to 20 Gigs. You will also get Gig extra from 5 to 100$. You can charge extra money for additional service through Gig extra. For example if you make a design in 5$ and you client demands you for source file too. In this case you can demand extra money, which is called Gig extra.


Top 12 Make Money Online Tips  Through in 2024

1. Sign up & create an appealing profile

The 1st step to getting started on is to create an account & set up a profile that attracts potential buyers. Choose a professional username & select a profile picture that represents your brand . Your bio should be compelling & showcase your related skills & expertise. Highlight any relevant qualifications or experience that will help build trust with buyers.


2. Identify your niche

Research popular categories on & identify a niche that matches your skills & interests. By focusing on a specific niche, you can position yourself as an expert in that area & attract buyers looking for specialized services. Analyze market demand and competition in your chosen niche to ensure there is a viable market for your services .


3. Create gig offerings

Once you have identified your niche, it is time to create gig offerings that stand out from the competition . Develop unique gig ideas that showcase your skills and previous experience. Clearly define the scope of each gig, like pricing, delivery time & revisions. Provide clear and concise information that will help buyers understand what they can expect from your services.



4. Craft persuasive gig titles

The gig title is the 1st thing that potential buyers see , so it is important to make it attention-grabbing & descriptive. Use keywords that accurately describe what you offer to improve visibility in search results . A well-crafted gig title will entice buyers to click on your gig & learn more about your services.


5. Write compelling gig descriptions

The gig description is your opportunity to sell your services & convince buyers to choose you over your competition. Highlight the value you provide and address any potential buyer concerns or questions. Be transparent about what buyers can expect from your services like any limitations or requirements. Incorporate relevant keywords to improve search rankings & attract the right audience.


6. Utilize eye-catching visuals

Visuals play a critical role in attracting buyers on Add high-quality images or videos that showcase your work or previous projects . Make sure the visuals are professional, attractive & accurately represent what you offer. High-quality visuals will help you stand out from the competition and make a positive impression on potential buyers.



7. Leverage social media platforms

Promoting your gig on social media platforms like FG, YT, Tiktok, WhatsApp, Twitter can help you reach a wider audience & attract potential buyers. Share your gigs on relevant social media channels and engage with potential buyers through comments, direct messages or by joining relevant groups and communities. Building a strong online presence will increase your visibility & attract more buyers.


8. Encourage positive reviews & feedback

Positive reviews & feedback are essential for building a good reputation on Fiverr. Provide exceptional service to clients to increase the likelihood of receiving positive reviews. Go the extra mile to exceed client expectations & request satisfied buyers to leave feedback and testimonials. Positive reviews will boost your credibility and attract more buyers to your gigs.


9. Offer attractive package deals

Creating bundled services or discounted packages is an effective strategy to entice buyers & increase your sales. Clearly communicate the added value buyers receive by selecting your package . Offering attractive package deals will give buyers more incentive to choose your services over your competitors;



10. Communicate effectively with clients

Effective communication is key to building strong relationships with clients. Respond promptly to messages & inquiries and seek clarification on project requirements before starting work. Keep clients updated on the progress of their projects & address any questions or concerns they may have . Clear and open communication will help you deliver high-quality work that meets or exceeds client expectations.


11. Meet or exceed deadlines

Meeting deadlines is critical for maintaining a good reputation on Prioritize timely delivery of completed projects , as it directly impacts your reputation and the likelihood of receiving positive reviews. Manage your workload efficiently to avoid delays or overwhelm. If unforeseen circumstances arise that may cause delays, communicate with your clients & make alternative arrangements.


12. Provide exceptional customer service

Exceptional customer service is essential for building long-term relationships with clients and generating repeat business. Be responsive, polite & professional in all interactions with buyers. Address any concerns or issues promptly & aim for customer satisfaction. Going above and beyond to provide exceptional customer service will set you apart from your competition and keep clients coming back for more



Final Words will charge 1 dollars out of your 5 dollars. You can withdraw money from through paypal and payoneer. Paypal is not available in Pakistan so use payoneer. You can read the details about make money online through in Urdu below this post.


Tips 2024 About in Urdu 

Make Money Online Through in Urdu & English