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Man With A Vision Khalid Rehman Chairman Skill Development Council (SDC LHR)

Interview- Man With A Vision & Mission Khalid Rehman Chairman Skill Development Council (SDC Punjab)

Mr Khalid Rehman is working as chairman Skill Development Council Punjab. By profession he is a renowned businessman. He got the degree of chemical engineering from Punjab University and completed his Master in engineering from West Germany, He also got a diploma in pharmaceuticals from West Germany. In spite of having many job offers from different companies of Europe, he preferred to serve his country. At that time his father was associated with soap manufacturing business and he joined his business immediately after coming back from Germany. Soon he started his own business of pharmaceuticals and general trading. In a short period of time he excelled in this field too. Keeping in view his success and expertise in industry Mr Qammar Ul Zaman federal secretary appointed him as Chairman Skill Development Council Punjab. He took the charge of SDC at a very crucial time as ex chairman was involved in many malpractices and SDC was losing its repute. He took revolutionary steps to reconstruct the great institution of SDC.

We were receiving many questions about the SDC from our visitors. so we decided to take the interview of its Chairman Mr Khalid Rehman. I was surprised to see his sincere efforts on an honorary post. He is not receiving a single penny from government rather he spending huge amount on S.D.C from his pocket. Being a journalist I have interviewed many personalities, but I found him a real man with a vision and mission. I hope that the heads of other government institutions will also follow his example. awards him the title of Educational Reformer.

Study Solutions – Why Did You Join as Chairman SDC as being a businessman it was difficult for you to give attention on any other task?
Mr Khalid Rehman– Yes you are right, but I used to accept the challenges, SDC was dying and its repute was on the stake. I took this task as a challenge and fought a tiresome legal war against ex chairman Seerat Mehdi. He registered about 60 cases against me but by the grace of Almighty Allah I have won this war, culprits are behind the bar and now we are hopeful that soon SDC will become the most reputed body of the province.

Study Solutions – What are your future plans?
Mr Khalid Rehman – We are first trying to remove all the irregularities of the past and now everything in SDC will be done on merit base only. In near future we are going to introduce many new demand driven skill programs. I feel that after the completion of Pak China economic corridor large number of job opportunities will be available for skilled Pakistani youth. Qatar is also going to hire thousands of skilled workers for football world cup. Dubai Expo 2020 is also not very far. We are trying to keep all these factors in our minds for our future plans.

Study Solutions – Have you nay more dreams in life after success in restructuring the SDC?
Mr Khalid Rehman – Now I have just one dream in life to produce quality human resource and skilled workers for Pakistan. Human Resource Management has become a science now a days, but unfortunately we Pakistani people are still not aware of the importance of producing quality human resource. Traditional education has become out dated in the modern world. Now government cannot provide jobs to millions of unemployed persons and even private sector is not interested to hire simple arts graduates. There is need of educating the students about the importance of technical education. Only by technical and vocational education, we can combat the social evils of poverty and unemployment. We ask to join hands with us in this awareness campaign. In fact it’s the need of the hour and prerequisite of progress in modern era to promote vocational education.

Man With A Vision Khalid Rehman Chairman Skill Development Council (SDC LHR)


 Man With A Vision Khalid Rehman Chairman Skill Development Council (SDC LHR)

Study Solutions – You are talking about industrial revolution and number of job opportunities in coming years but how industry can flourish in a country which is facing a massive energy crisis.
Mr Khalid Rehman – Good question but can you tell me that who can fight against this crises? Only quality human resource can change the fate of our country. Load shedding is a problems of technological backward countries only. Once you will come on the track, your technician will even dig the coal from Thar too for you. We just need to produce skilled and trained persons; these people will not only send us foreign exchange from abroad but also run our factories and power station in future. A big opportunity is knocking at our door. I just accepted this post due to my this vision and it was the only cause behind my war against corrupt elements, who were trying to use SDC as a diploma mill. Here I will also like to praise current federal and provincial governments which are committed to overcome energy crisis till 2017. After that you will see that Pakistan will become an Asian tiger and we shall also play our role for this great mission.

Study Solutions – Who is your ideal in life?
Mr Khalid Rehman – Being a Muslim my ideal is Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). His life gave me courage to face threats and dangers of life. I have never compromised on principles and in future too i pray may Almighty Allah let me follow the teaching of his last beloved prophet.

Man With A Vision Khalid Rehman Chairman Skill Development Council (SDC LHR)

Study Solutions – What is your message for students?
Mr Khalid Rehman – I have just one message for youth and students that please take your career seriously specially after matriculation. Try to master at least one technical skill. S.D.C can help you a lot in this regard.

Study Solutions – Your comments on the role of SDC in the society like Pakistan?
Mr Khalid Rehman – SDC is playing a vital role in the progress of country. Large number of skilled workers have got certificates through RPL system from SDC and now they are sending huge foreign exchange to their homeland. We are developing many demand driven course too for future. We are also trying to develop the infrastructure of technical institutions in the country. Our many plans are in pipeline and we shall let you know about them in near future. Now the world will see a new face of Skill Development Council.


Study Solutions – What about the past irregularities about which i have also given some proof to you?
Mr Khalid Rehman – We are thankful to for pointing out some serious issues of the past. I have ordered in front of you to Mr Nabeel ur Rehman and Mian Nadeem Ali to check these issues. Both of these directors will investigate these issues. Our team specially Mr Nabeel ur Rehman and Mian Nadeem Ali have already performed extraordinarily in reconstruction of Skill Development Council. Our team is committed that now onward no irregularity of any kind will be tolerated. Both these directors are on the mission of scrutiny of previously affiliated institutions. I assure you that in near future Skill Development Council will play a vital role in nation development too. We are sure that you will give us your feed back in future too for the development of this national institution.

Man With A Vision Khalid Rehman Chairman Skill Development Council (SDC LHR)

Study Solutions – Have you any connection with business and industry sector for knowing about their demands?
Mr Khalid Rehman – Of course being a senior member of chamber of commerce, i always remain in touch with my own class and i am thankful to my colleagues for their cooperation and feedback. Our all future plans are based on their feedback. In fact we are also trying to connect the chamber of commerce of Middle East countries in future to know their demand.

Man With A Vision Khalid Rehman Chairman Skill Development Council (SDC LHR)

Directors SDC Lahore Mr Nabeel ur Rehman and Mian Nadeem Ali

Study Solutions – What kind of difficulties is SDC facing?
Mr Khalid Rehman– Man with a mission never takes the difficulties on his nerves. We are facing financial crisis. Would you believe that our director Mr Nabeel ur Rehman worked for 6 months without pay with us. We don’t have any office. Even at present SDC office is working in my own building. There is no record of past transactions. Many institutes have not paid their annual affiliation fees but now after defeating the mafia of SDC Lahore, we are committed to resolve these issues too. My committed team has also the same feeling. We are working to reconstruct this national institution and  i know that Almighty Allah never leaves his sincere persons alone in the time of crisis.

Study Solutions – Do you expect any recognition or award by government for your great work?
Mr Khalid Rehman – I am not interested in worldly titles or awards. I brought reforms in SDC and crushed its mafia just to satisfy my soul and with the intention of serving my country and nation. I would like to get my reward in the life hereafter.

Study Solutions – How you see
Mr Khalid Rehman – There is similarity between SDC and that we both believe in providing solutions and serving the nation. We jointly congratulate you and your team for taking the decision of launching solutions based website for the students of Pakistan.