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Meera Will Not be Allowed to Enter in Any College For Fundraising

Meera’s Entry Has Been Banned in Colleges by Professors and Lecturers Association  
Famous Pakistani film actress Meera has launched a fund raising campaign for her proposed hospital. She is visiting colleges for this purpose but now Professors and Lecturers Association has took notice of it. President of Professors and Lecturers Association Dr Zahid has said that if Meera will visit any college now she will have to face fierce resistances by the members of association. Association has directed all its office holders that Meera should not be allowed to enter in any college. Association has argument that she is misguiding the new generation in the name of fund raising and Meera should collect funds from West.

Meera is notorious for her disputed video, scandals and bold photo sessions. Association demanded that higher education department should also take the notice of Meera’s activities in girl colleges. Last week she visited a private girls college in Multan for fund raising purpose where journalists asked her some personal questions too, which she avoided to reply. She also gave a political statement there in favor of Imran Khan and against current government. Students were very excited to see Meera among them they took autographs from her too. We too endorse the statement by Professors and Lecturers Association as young girls can make her their ideal. It has now become a fashion to build hospital with charity. At least rich people should do charity with their pocket.

Some people are saying that Meera was visiting the colleges for a noble cause and she must be allow to do so. What do you say in this regard. If tomorrow Veena Malik announces to build a hospital then should she also be allowed to visit girl colleges. Why these people do the charity silently. They can contribute money to Shaukat Khanam and other existing hospitals too. Is this not a self-promotion campaign. You can read the details in the newspaper ad cutting below this post. Stay in touch with us for latest news alerts.

Meera Will Not be Allowed to Enter in Any College For Fundraising

Meera Will Not be Allowed to Enter in Any College For Fundraising

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