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Model Papers vs Past Papers



Now a days almost every student use model papers for the preparation of exams. This trend was introduced in Pakistan couple of years ago. Now students are forced to buy costly model papers of each subject. These model papers are being promoted by offering commissions to authorities of educational institutes. Past papers of all classes and all subjects are easily available in market at very reasonable prices, which are much useful than model papers. Majority of publishers use these past papers for preparing model papers and just after decorating them a bit sell at very high prices. Our students are being misguided by these model papers as every publisher is publishing low standard model papers without any experience.

Many owners of educational websites are also coping this rubbish stuff on their websites. Its our advice to all student don’t waste the money of your parents and your own precious time by buying these model papers.”These model papers help students in understanding the pattern of expected paper” this is the rubbish argument which is given in favor of model papers, while students can be familiarized with the pattern of papers more easily with past papers rather than model papers. In fact there is a strong commission mafia behind it. If government changes the pattern of paper any year only then model papers may be useful but even then you should buy the model papers from board of intermediate and secondary education.

Every board of intermediate and secondary education publish model papers and provide them at very reasonable price. Then why student should buy costly model papers from private publishers?  Unfortunately education has become an industry in Pakistan. Even owners of educational websites are also following this trend in spite of guiding the students. But what we can say about these so called educational websites which are even posting the news of Mera’s blue movie scandal. Some publishers has included guess papers in their model papers, again it is a joke as you can easily find out the important questions with the help of past papers. We have already written an article on this topic. Some people argue that these model papers are solved this again is a stupid argument because solved past papers are also available in market at much less price than these so called model papers. But these solved past papers are also not recommended because a student should prepare the questions from text book.

We hope that now you will use only past papers in spite of useless model papers. These publishers are making you fool just for earning money. We also request to higher authorities of education department to check this trend at least in government educational institutes because majority of parents cannot afford buying these useless model papers for their children. All boards of intermediate and secondary educations, PEC, universities and provincial text book boards should publish past and model papers on their website to facilitate the students. Keep visiting students friendly website for career guidance and latest educational news and updates.

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