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Nawaz Sharif Biography, Achievements, Facts, Family, Leadership & Political Career

Biography of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Interesting Facts, Initiatives, Achievements, Family Life & Political Voyage 
Study solutions has started a series of biography based articles. This specific post is about biography of Mian Nawaz Sharif. Nawaz Sharif is a very famous politician. He’s been in power for many years. He is considered one of the best leaders in Pakistan. The other name you should know is Benazir Bhutto. She was a leader in her own country. She had the same goal as Nawaz Sharif. Both of them wanted to make Pakistan the best country it could be.


He has a background in business and economics and his administration focused on economic reform and revitalization. He also worked to improve Pakistan’s relations with Afghanistan and India. In 2016 he launched the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor a $46 billion investment project to improve infrastructure and promote economic growth. He has been credited with leading Pakistan’s economy out of a period of stagnation and initiating economic reforms. Under his leadership Pakistan’s GDP growth rate reached its highest level in over a decade.


Political Career of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif

Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif is a Pakistani politician who served as the Prime Minister of Pakistan from 2013 to 2017. He was previously the Prime Minister from 1990 to 1993 and from 1997 to 1999. A veteran politician and industrialist, he also served as the Chief Minister of Punjab from 1985 to 1990 and as the provincial Minister of Finance Punjab from 1983 to 1985. He was ousted as Prime Minister in 1999 by a military coup led by General Pervez Musharraf. Sharif was jailed by Musharraf’s government and went into exile in Saudi Arabia. He returned to Pakistan in 2007 and was elected as the Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly.


Sharif returned to Pakistan in November 2007, following the 2007 Pakistan general election in which his party formed a coalition government. He served a second term as Prime Minister from June 2013 until his disqualification by the Supreme Court of Pakistan on 28 July 2017. Sharif is the patron of Pakistan Muslim League (N), which is one of the two largest political parties in Pakistan.

Nawaz Sharif Biography, Achievements, Facts, Family, Leadership & Political Career

Nawaz Sharif Biography, Achievements, Facts, Family, Leadership & Political Career

The Supreme Court of Pakistan disqualified Sharif from holding public office for life on 28 July 2017 in the Panama Papers case. He is also barred from heading the Pakistan Muslim League (N) (PML-N) party.


On 6 September 2018, the Accountability Court sentenced Sharif to 10 years in prison and fined him 8 million pounds sterling in the Al-Azizia reference, one of three corruption cases against him. The court, however, acquitted Sharif in the Flagship Investments reference.


Maryam Nawaz


Family Life of Nawaz Sharif

Sharif was born in Lahore on 25 December 1949 into a Punjabi family. His father, Muhammad Sharif, was an upper-middle-class businessman and industrialist whose family had migrated from Jati Umrah India to Lahore in the 1940s. Nawaz Sharif has two brothers, Shehbaz Sharif and late Abbass Sharif, and three sisters. As a teenager, he worked in his father’s steel mill. Sharif’s mother is a homemaker. Nawaz Sharif was married to Kulsoom Nawaz on 21 February 1971. Late Kulsoom Nawaz was a businesswoman and three-time first lady of Pakistan. The couple have four children; Hassan Hussain, Asma and Maryam.


Maryam Nawaz Biography, Achievements, Facts, Life Style, Politics, Age & Marriage




Sharif was educated at the Cathedral School, Lahore, and the Government College, Lahore. He graduated from the Government College in 1968 with a B.A. degree in economics. He then attended Law College, Lahore, and graduated with an LL.B. degree in 1970. He expanded his industrial empire, and by the 1980s, he had become one of Pakistan’s wealthiest men.


Nawaz Sharif

Biography of Nawaz Sharif

Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif is one of the most powerful men in Pakistan for over 3 decades. Nawaz Sharif was born on 25 December 1949 into a family of Kashmiri immigrants in Lahore Punjab British India. His father Muhammad Sharif owned a successful business empire with interests in agriculture and industry. After the Partition of British India into India and Pakistan in 1947 the family migrated to Pakistan. Nawaz attended Saint Anthony High School and later the Government College University. In 1971 he graduated from the university with a degree in economics and political science.



Nawaz Sharif as Politician

Nawaz Sharif was a politician of right wing in the start of his political voyage but now he has become moderate in his thoughts. He was the biggest political rival of Benazir Bhutto and PPP, but later on he signed COD with her just for the sake of democracy. Tehrik e Nijat and lawyers movement where two biggest political movements in Pakistan led by Nawaz Sharif and both were successful.



Nawaz Sharif as Prime Minister of Pakistan

Being a Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif has served for more than 9 years. His initiatives as PM include motorways, nuclear tests, CPEC, friendship with India, Gwadar port, overcoming the energy crisis, privatization, laptop scheme, health card scheme, yellow cab scheme, apna ghar scheme, fee reimbursement scheme, youth loan scheme, interest free loan scheme and many more.



Achievements of Nawaz Sharif

Nawaz Sharif was the 12th Prime Minister of Pakistan and he served three terms in office. He is a business tycoon and industrialist and is the owner of Ittefaq Group and Sharif Group. He has been credited with the economic revival of Pakistan during his first tenure as Prime Minister and his government achieved record-breaking foreign investment and Gross Domestic Product growth rates. He also oversaw the construction of the controversial Kalabagh Dam which was later shelved due to opposition from provincial governments.



Nawaz Sharif as Leader & Statesman

In 1981 Sharif was appointed by President Zia-ul-Haq as Minister of Finance for the province of Punjab. As finance minister he increased taxes and slashed government spending helping to reduce Pakistan’s budget deficit. He also privatized some state-owned companies and initiated economic reforms. Nawaz Sharif has emerged as statesman in the political scenario of Pakistan. He has successfully defeated the Imran Khan’s government through no confidence movement in national assembly. He believes in charter of economics for rapid economic progress of the country. He is against the role of establishment in politics and charter of democracy was an initiative in this regard. He has now made a strong public opinion against the role of military in politics. He is against dharna politics and removal of any government through any unconstitutional method.



Imran Khan Vs Nawaz Sharif

The rivalry between Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif is well-known. The two have been political opponents for many years. In recent years the rivalry has intensified with both men taking shots at each other in the media.


The most recent feud began when Nawaz Sharif accused Imran Khan of being involved in election rigging. This led to a war of words between the two men with each accusing the other of corruption.


The feud came to a head when Nawaz Sharif was ousted from power by the Pakistani Supreme Court. Imran Khan celebrated the decision while Nawaz Sharif accused him of being behind the court’s decision.


General Knowledge About Imran Khan-50 Unique Facts

Nawaz Sharif as Opposition Leader

Nawaz Sharif who was ousted as Pakistan’s prime minister last year has been elected leader of the opposition in parliament. Mr Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) party won the second-largest number of seats in February’s general election. The election was seen as a victory for Pakistan’s army which had openly campaigned against Mr Sharif. Mr Sharif is now set to lead the opposition’s campaign against the government of Prime Minister Imran Khan. Nawaz Sharif is a successful opposition leader who can disturb the whole government machinery with his massive public support.



Atomic Tests of Pakistan & Nawaz Sharif

In May 1998 Pakistan conducted its first nuclear tests becoming the seventh country in the world to do so. These tests were conducted despite international pressure not to do so. Sharif was widely criticized for his decision to conduct the tests but he defended his actions by saying that Pakistan needed to develop a nuclear deterrent in order to protect itself from India’s much larger nuclear arsenal.



CPEC & Nawaz Sharif

The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor is a collection of infrastructure projects that are currently being developed in Pakistan. The corridor will run from the Pakistani port city of Gwadar to the Chinese city of Kashgar. The project is considered important to both China and Pakistan. When completed the corridor will greatly expand transportation and trade links between the two countries and is seen as a way to deepen economic ties and improve Pakistan’s infrastructure. Remember that CPEC was a brain child of Nawaz Sharif. He brought Chinese investment of more than 52 billion dollars through CPEC in Pakistan.

Nawaz Sharif & Motorways

Nawaz Sharif the former Prime Minister of Pakistan is known for his love of motorways. He was instrumental in the construction of many of Pakistan’s motorways including the Islamabad-Lahore Motorway and the Karachi-Hyderabad Motorway. Sharif is also a keen driver and has been known to take his family on long drives on the motorways he has built.



India Policy of Nawaz Sharif

The India policy of Nawaz Sharif was the foreign policy advocated by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan during his office from 2013 to 2017. The policy was characterized by a focus on seeking peace and better relations with Pakistan’s eastern neighbor India. This was in contrast to the previous Pakistan Peoples Party government which had been accused of being too accommodating towards India.


During his tenure Sharif made several high-profile visits to India including attending Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s swearing-in ceremony in 2014. He also hosted Modi in Lahore in 2015 becoming the first Pakistani prime minister to do so in over a decade.


The policy was met with criticism from some quarters in Pakistan who accused Sharif of being too soft on India. However others praised the efforts to improve relations between the two countries.



Atal Bihari Vajpayee & Nawaz Sharif

The Atal Bihari Vajpayee visit to Pakistan was a historic event that took place from February 20 to 21 1999. It was the first time a Prime Minister of India had visited Pakistan in over 15 years and was widely seen as an effort to improve relations between the two countries. The visit was marked by a number of agreements including the Lahore Declaration which committed both sides to working towards peace and stability in South Asia. However despite the initial optimism the Vajpayee visit did not lead to a lasting improvement in relations between India and Pakistan and tensions between the two countries continue to this day.



Charter of Democracy & Nawaz Sharif

The Charter of Democracy is a political agreement signed by the two main opposition parties in Pakistan the Pakistan Peoples Party and the Pakistan Muslim League (N) on 14 May 2006. The Agreement was signed by PPP Co-Chairperson Late Benazir Bhutto and PML-N President Nawaz Sharif in London United Kingdom. It seeks to establish democracy the rule of law equality and social justice in Pakistan.


The Charter also establishes a parliamentary form of government in which the Prime Minister is elected by the National Assembly through a vote of confidence. It also guarantees equal rights for all citizens regardless of gender religion or ethnicity.



General Knowledge About Hamza Shahbaz Sharif (Urdu & English)




In short Nawaz Sharif is a lagendary leader of Sub continent. No leader in Pakistan is more popular than Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. His brother Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has become Prime Minister of Pakistan and his nephew Hamza Nawaz Sharif has become CM of Punjab. His daughter Maryam Nawaz is next expected Prime Minister of Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif has affected the Pakistani politics a lot. Now he has become a king maker. It is expected that PMLN will win the next general elections too. That concludes our blog post on Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. I hope you found it informative and insightful. As always I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback in the comments section below. Visit and its social pages daily for improving your general knowledge and read our following post on biography of Shahbaz Sharif too;


Shahbaz Sharif Biography, Achievements, Interesting Facts, General Knowledge Urdu-English