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Best New Inventions of 21st Century-Details in Urdu & English

New Inventions of 21st Century in the Field of Science

Today we shall introduce you with some new inventions of 21st century. Details about 3 new inventions have been given in English while details about 13 new inventions have been given in Urdu language. Lets see what is happening in the world of  science and technology.

Smart lens by Google
Google has invented a smart contact lens which will work as glucometer. Glucometer is an device used to detect the sugar level in the blood. Its a painful experience for every diabetic patient to check their glucose level daily. But now with the help of this lens they will be able to check their glucose level without any painful experience. Google took 18 months for inventing this lens. This lens is just like ordinary lens in shape but it has the smallest glucometer in it. This glucometer will check the level of glucose in every second. Google has completed the preliminary experiments on this smart contact lens and trying to remove its defects. Google will introduce this contact lens in market after five years. Scientists are trying to insert small lights in this lens which will give warning in case of higher or lower sugar level. Google is working hard to bring revolutionary changes in the field of technology by introducing new inventions. This high tech smart lens will get energy from the waves of air.

Smart Pistil
An American Muslim engineer Umar Kiani has invented a smart pistol. Only the owner will be able to use this smart pistil. A device containing biometric system has been used in the trigger of this smart pistil. The finger prints of pistil’s owner will be feed in this chip. This pistil contain the same finger print censors which were used in the screen of I Phone S-5 of apple company. FBI has also praised this smart pistil. Umar Kiani want to introduce his product in market at the end of this year. Umar Kiani named this pistil identity lock. The price of this smart pistil will be 300 dollars. This new invention will be helpful in controlling the crime rate.

Smart Bulb by Samsung
LG invented the first smart bulb and now Samsung has introduced its first blue tooth LED smart bulb. You can control this bulb with your smart phones and tablets. You can dim its 64 lights up to 10 percent. Validity of this bulb is 10 years or 15000 hours. The price of LG’s smart bulb was 32 dollars but it is expected that Samsung’s bulb will be a little cheaper as it can be controlled with blue tooth instead of WiFi. This bulb has already won the design plus award by IF Designs.You can read the details about 13  latest new inventions in Urdu language below this post. Keep visiting your own website (I.e and its facebook page for latest updates about technology and new inventions.  You have  right to disagree with our selection of best new inventions of 21st century.

Best New Inventions of 21st Century – Details in Urdu & English


Best New Inventions of 21st Century-Details in Urdu & English





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