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O-Level & A-Level Vs Matric & Inter in Pakistan

O Level and  A Level Vs Matriculation and  Intermediate- Discussion in Urdu Too 
Generally it is considered that O level & A Level are mush better options than simple Matric and Inter but now the situation has changed a lot than past. O Level and A level courses are losing their charm and attraction. Large number of students are preferring Matric and Intermediate (FA, FSc, ICS & ICom ) on O Level and A- Level. Its a fact that even in foreign countries both these courses are not being accepted. These universities take their internal test from such students.

Only some British universities prefers the O & A Level students just because of their financial interest. Even Cambridge and Oxford universities do not accept your 5 As and they take their internal tests. O and A Levels have become just status symbols. Even India has its own education system and its students have shown great results in all fields of education specially in IT. Cambridge system is preferred only in Pakistan. In fact its a dying system now. We will have to leave Cambridge system but before that some more reforms should be introduced. Matric system opens the doors of medical and engineering for you. Prof Dr Aga Ghazanfar is current Principal of Aitchison College, Lahore. He is also strictly against O-Level and A-Level. He has again introduced Matric system in his college. You can read his interview in Urdu below this post.

Why Cambridge System (O Level, A Level) Has Failed in Pakistan?
1-Statistics of MCAT and ECAT tests have proved that FSc students can easily clear both these tests that’s why all those students who want to get admission in Medical colleges or engineering universities prefer to go for FSc.

2-Tuition fee for matric and FSc students is many time lower than Cambridge students.

3-O and A level students have to get equivalence certificate from IBCC for getting admission in any local college or university.

4-Majority of questions in entry tests of local colleges and universities are taken from intermediate syllabus.

5-My own student is taking 5000 rupees home tuition fee from a Matric student and 15000 rupees from a O Level student just because of shortage of tutor for Cambridge system.

6-A middle class student can not afford the fees of Cambridge system.

Of course Cambridge system has some benefits too for example your English will improve a lot. You will enjoy a so-called sense of superiority but here i would like to tell you that superiority complex is the worst form of inferiority complex.

It is considered that Cambridge system gives conceptual clearance to the students which is a rare element in local educational system but its too an outdated argument as now syllabus of of Matriculation and FSc have been improved a lot.

It is also claimed that O Level and Level students have good communication skills. Its too a partially true argument as complete data is not available. Yet any one can improve his communication skill through practice

In short just like Professor Dr Aga Ghazanfar, Principal of Aitchison College, Lahore, i will too suggest you to go for Matic and Intermediate system. Students, who are not interested in getting admission in medical colleges and engineering universities can go for O-Level and A-Level. I would like to clear that its only my opinion and you have right to differ with it.

O Level & A Level Vs Matric & Inter in Pakistan

O-Level & A-Level Vs Matric & Inter