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Official Video Response of Shoaib Sheikh CEO of Axact & BOL on NYT Story

Current Affairs – Official Video Response of Chairman & CEO of Axact & BOL Media Group About Fake Online Degree Scandal
Chairman & CEO of Axact and BOL Media Group have given his official response about the New York Times story about the scandal of fake online degrees. You can view the video of his response on this page. He announced the BOL new channel will be launched on 1st Ramadan 2015. He rejected all the allegations of axact and BOL group. He also welcomed the impartial investigations against his company.

Official Video Response of Shoaib Sheikh CEO of Axact & BOL on NYT Story


He claimed the media houses of Pakistan jointly made a conspiracy against him and his company and axact is not involved in any illegal activity at all. He requested the government that BOL channel is a separate organization and it should be allowed to start its working. This was the first time after the New York Times story that Mr Shoaib Sheikh came on media. He tried to clear that establishment, Mr Daood Ibrahim and property king Riaz Malik is not in the back of BOL channel at all.

He also said that media will not publish his point of view that’s why he is trying to upload his response on social media sites like facebook. Unexpectedly the body language of Mr Shoaib Sheikh the Chairman & CEO of Axact & BOL Media Group was very confident in the video. We have already published the Urdu translation of New York Times story about fake online degrees that’s why it was our moral duty to publish the official response of the affected party too. Read that story too and try to judge that what is going on behind the scene. Visit and facebook page daily for latest updates about fake online degrees scandal

Official Video Response of Shoaib Sheikh CEO of Axact & BOL on NYT Story

Chairman & CEO of Axact and BOL Media Group… by Awaiz_P