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Online Job Portal of Punjab Government-Registration & Details in Urdu

Online Job Portal By Government of Punjab
Punjab government has taken a new initiative for unemployed youth of the province i,e online job portal. Its a hundred percent free project both for employers and employees. is the official online job portal of Punjab government. At present employers and employees can get themselves registered in following areas;

List of Present Available Categories on Punjab Government’s Online Job Portal  

Department Stores
Architecture & Interior Designing
Mining, Oil & Gas Exploration Sector
Import & Export Fields
Construction, cement and Metals related Fields
Publishing Houses
Media & Mass Communications
Arts and Entertainment
Business Administration
Legal Jobs
Food & Beverages Industries
Travel, Tourism & Transportation Fields
Customer Services Sector
Import & Export Companies
Health care & Medical Field Related Jobs
Marketing & Sales Related Jobs
Chemical Field
Personal Care And Services
Hotel & Restaurant Management
Textiles & Garment Industry
Auto Mobile Sector
FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) Sector
Consultant Services
Telecommunication/ISP Sector
Banking & Financial Services
Manufacturing Sector
Development Sector
Pharmaceutical Industries
Clerical Administration
Electronics Field
Distribution & Logistics
Hospitality Industry
Call Centers & Telemarketing
Agriculture, Fertilizer and Pesticide related Industries
Fashion Industry
Accounting & Taxation Related Fields
Consumer Durables
Retail Business Field
Courier & Logistic Services
Business Development
Insurance or Islamic Takaful Field
Project Management
Engineering Fields
Recruitment and Employment Agencies
Packaging Field
Real Estate Sector
Paint Industry
Wholesale Field
Health Care Related Industries
Health & Fitness Fields
Power & Energy Sector
Quality Assurance (QA) Field
Shipping & Marine Sector
IT (Information Technology Sector)
NGO and Social Services
Education & Training
Call Center Jobs

I am sure that the list of employment fields given on is incomplete. Hopefully soon this list will be updated. At least Punjab government must add the field of online jobs in this website.

Unemployed persons can easily get themselves registered on in the area of their interest and expertise for finding a job. Employers will be able to review your profile.

Employers will be able to advertise available posts in their organizations. They can easily register their organizations on After registration they can post jobs in their business very easily on the said website. This online job portal will inshaa Allah play the role of game changer in the province of Punjab. Stay in touch with and its fcebook page for guidance about best online job portal of Punjab. Wish you best of luck for your job search.

Online Job Portal of Punjab Government-Registration & Details in Urdu

Online Job Portal of Punjab Government- Registration & Details in Urdu