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How To Improve EQ Level? Definition & Top 10 Super Tips

Learn How To Improve Your EQ Level? Top Ten Tips & Tricks
EQ level is more important for success in practical life. Good IQ level can just help you in getting good grades, but IQ level can make you successful in life.

How To Improve EQ Level? Definition & Top 10 Super Tips

How To Improve EQ Level? Definition & Top 10 Super Tips

What is EQ?
EQ all about situation handling and facing the critical situations with a normal state of mind. In short EQ is the name of emotional intelligence or stable personality. A sound minded person can handle any situation very calmly. IQ has limited implications in our life as it is restricted to academic excellence and normal life only.

EQ is related to emergency situations. Good EQ level makes us undebatable in any situation. It helps us in accepting the challenges of life and finding their best solutions. A person with good IQ level can lose confidence and hope in pressure situations but a person with good EQ level can handle any kind of situation due to his strong nerves, so we can say that EQ has close connection with our nervous system. A person with good EQ level never get puzzled in trouble waters. Confusion and disappointment can destroy us when we are in trouble waters.

Good EQ enables us to always remain in winning state of mind and to think about out of the box solutions of our problems. If you want to become a multidimensional person then you will have to improve your both EQ and IQ levels. EQ level also polishes your decision power, confidence and mental stability. It has been proved by psychologist that EQ level matters more than IQ level in our financial success. We are sure that both IQ and EQ level can be increased and improved. We have written a detailed article on “How To Increase IQ Level? 20 Super Ti“. Today we shall discuss that how to improve EQ level quickly.

Top Ten Golden Tips About Improvement of EQ?

1-First of all you should learn the difference between EQ and IQ.

2-You will have to take part in all kinds of extracurricular activities so that you may become a balanced person.

3-Emotional Intelligence has a great relation with your faith. If your faith on Almighty Allah is strong then you may not only take risks but also face all kinds of situations very boldly.

4-Positive thinking can also make you a person with good EQ level. You will just have to see the positive side of situation. You must have believe that where there is a problem their is a solution.

5-You must know rather believe that all human beings are sons of centuries. We have powers to face and handle all kinds of difficult situations.

6-Just like Napoleon the great you will have to exclude the word “impossible” from your dictionary.

7-You must recite Holy Quran with translation in your mother tongue as this great divine book has solutions of all kinds of problems. It will tell you that where there is a problem, there is an opportunity too.

8-Never rely on others for help in crisis situations. Always accept challenges in life and take calculated risks.

9-Lead a planned and managed life.

10-Last but not least learn how to program you subconscious mind. We have published many articles on this topic in our self help category. We request you to read all articles of our self help category. Yes friends we are requesting you to visit our self help category as all articles in this category are essence of our life experiences. By the grace of Almighty Allah now can claim that it is the best career counseling website on INTERNET. You must visit it and its facebook page daily for career guidance.