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Paragraph Writing – Topics, Super Tips, Format & Ideas

English Paragraph Writing Topics, Super Tips, Structure & Ideas
Generally students think that English paragraph writing is an easy task than essay writing, but its a misconception. You can never write a paragraph without having creative writing skills. For mastering the skills of English paragraph writing you must also have command over summary writing skills. Paragraph is just like a summary of an essay. One must write paragraph in his own words. Generally paragraph is written on one aspect of any essay or topic but its not a hard and fast rule as some times you may be asked to to write an paragraph on a broad topic. In this case you need to write shortly on all aspects of the topic. Here your summary writing skills will help you.

Paragraph Writing - Topics, Super Tips, Format & Ideas

Paragraph Writing – Topics, Super Tips, Format & Ideas

Patrice can make you perfect in the art of English paragraph writing. Your general knowledge should also be excellent. Try to learn all rules of English grammar. Also try to improve your vocabulary. If you don’t have reading habit then you can never become a good writer so read books on all topics and specially read paragraphs given in syllabus books. It will expand your vision and give you new ideas for paragraph writing. Try to write at least one paragraph daily. You must write your daily diary in English. If you don’t write daily diary then try to develop this useful habit.

Blogging and freelance writing are two other wonderful habits for improving the paragraph writing skills. You may also earn money on line through these habits. Never learn by heart paragraphs as this practice will destroy your creative writing skills. Always write paragraphs in your own words. At initial stage you can adopt rewriting strategy. Read paragraphs on any topic from more than 1 books. Collect ideas and key points and then write paragraph in your own words. Chose topics for English paragraph writing from your syllabus book. CSS and PMS students should chose the paragraph writing topics from past papers.

Structure & Format
There are three main parts of an ideal paragraph i.e topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence. Topic sentence is written in the start to describe main idea about which you will provide details in supporting sentences. You may write 3 to 8 supporting sentences to for providing the necessary details about main idea. Concluding sentence is the last sentence here you will sum up the main idea with an impressive way. Avoid unnecessary details and provide relevant examples in favor of your point of view or main idea. Remain logical and order our key points. Selection of words and phrases is very important so try to use most precise words to impress the readers. Minimum recommended length of a paragraph is 5 lines. Discuss just one idea in a sentence. An ideal paragraph don’t have more than 10 sentences.


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