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Persian Language & Literature Jobs, Career, Scope, Degrees & Topics

Persian or Farsi Language & Literature Jobs, Degrees, Subjects, Career & Scope in Pakistan and Abroad   

Persian language is written is Arabic script and it is very  easy for every Pakistani to learn this great language. Persian was a official language in India during 800 years of Muslim rule in Indian Subcontinent. Persian and Arabic are mother languages of Sindhi, Punjabi and Urdu. British rulers made English as an official language of India to cut the relation of Indian Muslims with their great past. In India Persian language is called Farsi. Persian or Farsi is a very easy to learn for Urdu speaking people. Persian is spoken in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Russia and Azerbaijan.

Persian Language & Literature Jobs, Career, Scope, Degrees & Topics

Persian Language & Literature Jobs, Career, Scope, Degrees & Topics


1000 years literature of Indian Muslim is only available in Persian language. Our classical poetry and even fiction has been written in this language. More than 80% of Allama Iqbal’s poetry is also in Persian language. Students of Iqbaliyat and Kashmiryat must learn Farsi language for understanding the real message of Allama Iqbal.


Jobs, Career & Scope


Home Tutor


Persian News Chanel

Jobs in Persian Speaking countries

Farsi Language Institutes

Online Instructor

Local & International Newspapers & Websites

Iranian Funded NGO’s


Jobs in Shia Religious Institutes

Different Agencies of UNO


Critic and Creative Writer


Publishing & Media Houses

Import and Export Companies

Colleges & Universities

Foreign Affairs Ministry


Fiction Writer


Short Courses, Certificates, Diplomas & Degrees

Khana-e-Farhang Iran offers short courses and diplomas in Farsi language.

Pakistani Universities offer up to MS/M.Phil and PhD level degrees in Farsi


Subjects & Topics




Classical Literature


Religions Literature




Iranian Culture & History of Farsi Language

Computer & Persian Language

Persian Literature in Sub-Continent

Research Methodology


Who Should Study Arabic?

Those who want to get job in any Persian speaking country like Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Russia and  Bahrain etc.

Those who have interest in learning foreign languages of Islamic countries.


Those who want to study the old Islamic literature.

Scholars who have got degrees of MA Iqbaliyat, Urdu or Kashmiryat.

Creative minded persons


Qualities Required

Love for learning foreign languages

Interest in foreign literature & fiction

Creative writing skills

Research ability



Stay in touch with the best educational website of the Asia, its sister website and facebook page for  guidance about scope of different international languages.