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Future of PM Laptop & PM Fee Reimbursement Schemes-Breaking News

Breaking News About Future of Prime Minister Laptop & PM Fee Reimbursement SchemesĀ 
PML (N) government introduced two great schemes for students of Pakistan i.e PM fee reimbursement scheme and Laptop scheme. Future of these two useful schemes is not still clear. Schedule of PM laptop scheme 2019 has not been announced yet. Nobody is sure that either PM laptop and fee reimbursement schemes will be continue after election 2018 or not. There are possiblities that next government may stop distributing laptops among brilliant students.


Future of PM free laptop scheme 2019 depends upon the election 2018 results. If PML (N) wins these elections then next government will not abolish PM fee reimbursement scheme and Prime Minister laptop scheme. PM laptop distribution schedule 2019 will also be announced after election success of PML (N).


If PML N loses these elections 2018 then future of these schemes will depend upon the policy of next government. If students want that these schemes should continue even after election 2018 then they should play the role of a pressure group. Their pressure will force the other political parties to add these schemes in their election manifestos. Students of Pakistan have right on their government so these schemes should not overturn by new government. There is a need of massive campaign by needy and brilliant students to pressurize the political parties and next government of Pakistan. will join your hands in this campaign. Use social media for this purpose. No public scheme for students should be abrogated. Now the time has come to raise the voice for your rights. More breaking news about future of PM laptop & fee reimbursement schemes 2019 will also be published on this page, so stay connected with this page of Visit and like facebook page of our portal too. Wish you good luck.

Future of PM Laptop & PM Fee Reimbursement Schemes-Breaking News

Future of PM Laptop & PM Fee Reimbursement Schemes 2018-Breaking News