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PM Laptop Scheme Helpline Numbers – Focal Persons Contact Detail

HEC & PM Free Laptop Scheme  Helpline Numbers – List of Focal Persons of All Universities With Contact Detail
Many students do not know that whom to contact in case of any problem during free laptop distribution under HEC and PM Laptop scheme. They ask questions on different websites or to irrelevant peoples about their issue. In fact on the direction of Higher Education Commission almost all universities have appointed focal persons. These focal persons play the role of facilitator for students. Higher Education informs them about the latest updates and they provide all these information to the students of their institution. They also convey your problems to HEC and try their best to solve them, Now the question arises how to contact focal person of your university? Here again will help you.

PM Free laptop Distribution Scheme 2015

PM Free Laptop Scheme Helpline Numbers – Focal Persons Contact Detail


We have provided the list of all focal persons with their phone number and email ID on this page. You can view a link in bold letters below this page. It will take you to your destination. Some students complain us that focal persons of their universities are not cooperating and helping them. Here i want to share a fact with you that we are living in Pakistan where nobody is working efficiently, there are possibilities that HEC have not provided them the required data/information in time.


If you feel that the case is different you may contact to higher authorities of your university and even Higher Education Commission. We have also uploaded the list of all helpline numbers of HEC on our website. In case of any serious complaint against PM free laptop scheme 2015, you may also file a complaint in the office of federal ombudsman. Here neither you need to pay court fee nor you need to hire the services of any lawyer. Of course we are also here to help you in spite of our limited resources. If you are a meritorious student then nobody can deprive you from your right.

Click Here To View The List of Focal Persons With Contact Detail