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Punjab Government Will Recruit 100000 More School Teachers

Breaking News- Punjab Government Will Recruit 100000 More Educators, Subject Specialists And School Teachers
As per media news Punjab government is going to recruit 100000 more school teachers, educators and subject specialists. Provincial Minister for Finance Mujtaba Shuja Ul Rehman has announced that government has allocated 121 billion rupees for health sector and 274 billion rupees for education sector.


Punjab Government Will Recruit 100000 More School Teachers

Punjab Government Will Recruit 100000 More School Teachers

He added that in the past tenure of PML-N 75000 school teachers were recruited through a transparent manner and now again government is has decided to recruit 100000 more school teachers to achieve the goal of 100 % literacy rate in the province. Education department will strictly follow the merit policy in these recruitment too. Soon the recruitment process will be started after the approval by Chief Minister.

If you are graduate and B.Ed then now its the time for you to improve your general knowledge, English and knowledge about your subject as the usually recruitment test for teachers is comprises of these subjects. Punjab government has received grant of 351 million rupees from DFID and 15000 new class rooms will be constructed with this grant in government schools. You may read the details about “Punjab government will recruit 100000 more school teachers” in Urdu in the newspaper ad cutting below this post. Stay in touch with us for latest job alerts.

Punjab Government Will Recruit 100000 More School Teachers


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